Message from @Jay🎀

Discord ID: 794003812083040276

2020-12-31 00:42:21 UTC  

Why are people hating on TommyG?

2020-12-31 00:42:22 UTC  

Pay the toll if you want to be included in the "fun" chat. Fuck that noise! Anyone who can't see that the conspiracy and truthseeking aspect of this "community" is now just a marketing tool to get you into the betting side of things then I can't help you.

2020-12-31 00:43:04 UTC  

Yep - all about those sports.

2020-12-31 00:43:06 UTC  

"we want to keep the division going"

2020-12-31 00:43:10 UTC  

That’s some funny shit

2020-12-31 00:43:59 UTC  

THAT is a good dream

2020-12-31 00:44:22 UTC  

@Sqar what is?

2020-12-31 00:44:32 UTC  

I understand where you’re coming from. But to my knowledge they’re still working on the website that will have all aspects of 4deep. This chat has changed a lot since it started which kinda sucks but that’s what happens when you get a lot of the public in one space

2020-12-31 00:44:36 UTC  

You asked why 🤣🤣🤣

2020-12-31 00:44:45 UTC  

I’ve been away from this chat because it’s been a joke for awhile now. I get not only talking conspiracy but it has turned into who can make the most Dick jokes or who can make a jail meme

2020-12-31 00:44:56 UTC  

Looks like I came in at the wrong time lol

2020-12-31 00:45:00 UTC  

Almost as good as the one u helped get me out of, only for me to then jump on the voice chat and roast u after I woke up 😂

2020-12-31 00:45:31 UTC  

Noah built his ark quicker!!!

2020-12-31 00:45:34 UTC  

@Sqar I was asking about people in here, not outside the community

2020-12-31 00:45:53 UTC  

I costs money and time to build a website that functions correctly

2020-12-31 00:46:22 UTC  

If you don’t like it, leave. No one is holding y’all hostage. Come back when the website is up. We can only talk about 3 day old news or chat about “trust the plan” for so long before it gets repetitive and more annoying than a few peanut butter and dick jokes.

2020-12-31 00:46:38 UTC  

My thoughts exactly

2020-12-31 00:46:49 UTC  


2020-12-31 00:47:04 UTC  

What up girls and fags

2020-12-31 00:47:08 UTC  

No need to be negative

2020-12-31 00:47:40 UTC  

*gals guys and gays

2020-12-31 00:48:25 UTC  

Haven’t been on in a few days.. but seems like we’re still on the same topic. Hey all

2020-12-31 00:48:53 UTC  

Joe makes me want my own website and I absolutely have no use for one

2020-12-31 00:48:53 UTC  

It's like that's what's all they want to talk about because news is boring

2020-12-31 00:49:10 UTC  

Thanks Jay. I wasn’t sure how to greet everyone since some dudes were being very hostile to each other lol

2020-12-31 00:49:42 UTC  

It’s as if it’s either dicks or election. Nothing else in the world

2020-12-31 00:49:43 UTC  

Come to the sports chat 😂

2020-12-31 00:50:08 UTC  

We also have to remember Tommy hasn’t even been really in this chat since we got back to discord and they haven’t shared this group publicly yet either. So it’s pretty much the same handful of people talking in the chat all the time

2020-12-31 00:50:44 UTC  

There other better topics to talk about like nature or the stars or just a regular hobby

2020-12-31 00:51:02 UTC  

Where the heck is that? Lmaoo

2020-12-31 00:51:22 UTC  

If that's what you wanna talk about then bring it up. Nobody stopping you

2020-12-31 00:51:33 UTC  

Yea I totally agree! Does anyone like stocks? Or have a hobby?

2020-12-31 00:51:49 UTC  

Kinda like COVID and no flu. We are just keeping it consistent

2020-12-31 00:52:05 UTC  

I have a bunch of btc, I bet sports. I also make a dick joke now and then.

2020-12-31 00:52:11 UTC  


2020-12-31 00:52:36 UTC  

i heard little dick and i knew u were talking about my little dick

2020-12-31 00:52:38 UTC  

@WhiteLightning ⚡ btc is going nuts recently

2020-12-31 00:52:41 UTC  

I also own my own business.

2020-12-31 00:52:50 UTC  

I horseback ride

2020-12-31 00:52:55 UTC  

What type of business?

2020-12-31 00:52:58 UTC  

It is. But you just said nuts. And now all I'm thinking about is dicks