Message from @TMMA
Discord ID: 794266017865400330
Chris Murders and Lukass got banned
I’m only here for the offensive content. Should I just come back at 11pm?
Someone took out wiz is all I'm saying. Saw it in real time
Lukass got kicked not banned when ur kicked u come straight back
On name alone he should be unbanned
Yeah I love the offensive content
Literally who cares lol
Thought thats what 4 deep was about
not before today
Was I ever close to getting banned? Just wondering for fun how annoying I am.
Shocking that “chief just tits” was banned hahaha
It’s a vibe and it’s changed. I LOVED it in here a few weeks ago
Yeah I'm super jealous
I've never banned anyone from this server and I've been the one watching it since it was creating
Why today though?
U should be we have fun over there
Damn his name tho made me laugh! Sorry didn’t mean to make a joke out of it
100% gonna start saying burns my cakes
No idea, I just got here
Life without Tommy is Hell
Exactly ben. So who is banning
Thousands?? Each or collectively?
Just saying you sound pretty salty
No one is fucking banning anyone😂😂😂
The middle school cafeteria took over lol
@TommyG you are the definition of shill are you not? 😂
What about "butter your bread"
They just said wiz was banned
Didn’t u see all the posts everyone is killing it
Why don’t h sign up and see for ur self
Like I said, before today there was 1 ban TOTAL.
No one was being banned is my point
Idk what you guys thought would happen. Collect a bunch of red pilled truth seekers in one spot who question everything and trust no one and think everything is going to be just fine and dandy lmao
@WizKhaliba pretty sure if he was banned I woukdnt be able to @ him but ok