Message from @paunchybird4709
Discord ID: 794275733626945556
@Check3rs almost, on the BC side of the Rockies.
Ahhh icic
Lol as if I didn’t see@that msg
I’m only honorary lol
Yep 🙂
Do you guys agree that Tommy G's an American hero?
Only berta beef
Uuuhmm... no?
Ok cool.
Nazi 😫😭
Newfie’s are hilarious 😆 I wish I had their accent
Tommy's a swell fella tbh
not sure why guilded got canned, but i am glad.
So he's more of a pookadouche?
Guilded was the BEST
Sort of like us Janet! Don’t fuck with us and we sweet 😂 Fuck with us and then watch the fk out!
Hahah I 100% thought you were making a joke. Play on playa
Sigh, fights over, back to work.
Anyways, I’m out for awhile! Gotta go do some dad stuff
Tommy is my American Heroi
I, too, enjoy watermelon @Lil Drummer™
All my Canadian bros, y’all see how team Canadian raped Germany in the juniors?
I think @TommyG is a boss and a bad ass, sometimes an asshole but not a hero? Seriously?
I'm not sure how that emoji ended up there, but I'll go with it
@MJ3 hi boo!
It was a public execution
@DeplorableJanet Sup mama! Hope all is well!
He’s my hero!
You know, you don’t have to lie to kick it😉😝⚠️
4 more hours till next live show. Tommy G said he might join as well. 🔥
Tommy rescued my cat from a well
<:tommy:791052312708775959> hero
Rude. How dare you assume I wouldn’t know about this game! 😂
One handed I heard!