Message from @Lil Drummer™
Discord ID: 794282216908783646
it's always 69%
For sure man. Happy to talk gambling anytime
> What? That's hilariously false dude
@WhiteLightning ⚡ go find me someone better than SEVENTY percent with better ROI
Always Mike always
When you actually want to learn i can dm.
Oh I didn’t know I wasn’t a real handicapper
TheBanker seems to know how to make millions of dollars betting, too. Do you guys have a company? Or are you just hanging out in a conspiracy chat wishing you could learn how to bet properly?
60% is like a god like, 50% is actually a great handicapper
Non answer
you're not - you're a psy op
I just make a living off gambling on sports I own 3 homes and 2 rental buildings
No one is talking to you.
I fucking love Katie
60% is literally impossible betting volume
Did you find me on Insta? There’s a girl that looks like you ❤️
56% is where you want to be
Oh let me see
There’s no need to bring me into this I haven’t even spoken. Don’t worry about how I make my money and I don’t even know @WhiteLightning ⚡ get off your high horse.
I have some bittersweet news guys, as I begin my 3month dedicated for medical school, I will no longer be able to be in the chat. I just wanted to let you guys know instead of leaving in silence. Thank you to everyone that was interested in what I brought to the table. There is so much more knowledge I have yet to dispense on spiritual topics and universal laws, how to use them to your advantage and re-code the matrix, but maybe it just wasn’t the time. Anyways, Thank you guys for everything, I learned so much being here, and laughed even more. I wish everyone the best, may you never stop seeking knowledge. 💓
> 56% is where you want to be
@WhiteLightning ⚡ yeah for guys that bet 3 games a week and bet 1u
But what is your % doesn’t matter what it should be
You guys are arguing with people who aren’t even gambling who gives a fuck if they bet or not
Depends on the odds you take tbh. If you hit 60% but are laying 70% implied probability every bet you’re a losing bettor.
Winning percentage doesn’t mean anything . It’s the winning percentage in relation to the odds you take
> But what is your % doesn’t matter what it should be
@GoldstarNicole winning % means nothing when you bet volume...Thats above some IQs tho
I have bots that do work for me.
Good take their advice then
56% at -110 is where you want to be
Maybe when ur bots abstracts look like mine we can compare
He wants REAL handicappers but uses bot algos. LMAO
Good luck at Med School!
Where's Rob and Austin and mad labs
White chocolate only bets -110 games, remember that
i told u not to call me bot in public
I hAvE bOtS tHaT dO WOrk FoR mE
Goodluck, you have brought oon some fascinating topics and real conversation. Take care.