Message from @DM_Wulfgar
Discord ID: 794288666804879431
It's okay, Bill. He's just upset he can't have Tommy's dick in his mouth
Hahaha right? Like Jesus dude
Think their all a little upset they didn’t make that deal
<@792642365713809419> you mean @Jimbo32 isn’t really R Kelly? Is that what R Kelly looks like these days? I’m old, I wouldn’t know...
Lol this is comical
I mean he might be
Welp can’t suck Tommy’s dick all day so catch you guys later
@Bill R is the dude putting tommy’s dick in his mouth and he’s trying to talk shit LOL
Tommy’s not even in here
If u think trump will be the president in a month ur the idiot
Looks like a troll has joined in.
Anyway back to the sports world have fun creepy creepos
You're the main creep Kelly, you'll be joining @WhiteLightning ⚡ soon I'm sure. You both can fondle each other's balls.
So funny
Go follow bill to the sports
I'm sure this is how this R Kelly guy sees all girls
Good lord I leave to adult, and y’all still throwing shade 😂
What kind of creep sets their profile pic to R Kelly anyway
@DeplorableJanet Janet!
Someone that likes pissing on children
It’s a fucking picture people give it up
I mean that couldn’t be more obvious
So sensitive
I can see why people are leaving this community left and right. @TommyG
YePP. You and lightning