Message from @Beckster3882
Discord ID: 794294657520893982
its still trips me out when i hear Janet on the Pod while shes typing on here lol
Yes, because you were talking shit and we were proving it while you were denying it
Yeah but I mean it’s clearly planned attacks lol. Like out of no where everyone just piles in and tells the conspiracy crew they are a bunch of cucks and losers and then leaves when no ones really doing anything in here.
I got called “the creepy creepos” bc I believe in conspiracies
Lil drummer has attacked multiple people. But thats cool
Attacked 🤣
If only we put this time fighting into sifting through wiki leaks drops
You sure you're not a liberal?
@Lil Drummer™ I asked Chach what his average stake size was after he shared a winning screen shot and he took it personal
I’ve got no beef with anyone. I just asked a question and he didn’t like it. Could’ve just said he didn’t want to share. Again I don’t get it
Or finding other wayfaires
Some people use it to just get into sports betting and learn the market. It’s def not -EV
I dont share screen shots and makes lists. Go away now
Are 4Deep ever going Live show again?
@Lil Drummer™ I love you. I know the gambling side talks shit about conspiracy side too. They were just doing so. I’ve seen it. I just don’t understand. I love both sides. Why can’t people chill out and be nice?
Again insults instead of responding to the statement I made.
It’s chooch, not chach
@Lil Drummer™ I have to pipe up here... y’all on the gambling side we’re calling us “creepy creepos” months ago. And then a bunch of people on the gambling side complained to the admins about our chat (from what I heard) and all of a sudden fun is frowned upon. So why has the gambling side had beef with the conspiracy side from the beginning? You do you... but let me do me!
Yeah.. Back stabbing ain't cool
It isn’t the conspiracy part. It’s the disgusting shit. Eating tampons. The constant going on from the same 10 people.
im late as usual but im still here too lol
I came from this side. It isn’t the same
> Yall were sharing screen shots every time I go in there lol
@WhiteLightning ⚡ that's all your dumbass did over here, fuck outta here 😂😂
Bob and I are on at 4 pm cst
I joke around about the "creepy creepo" stuff because I'm also a "conspiracy theorist". That's how I found Tommy and I just happened to be into gambling as well. I don't think this group is bad as a whole, but there are a lot of people who are rude and talk trash about us for no reason
Thanks Janet
have u began NYE pre gaming ?
Enjoy it! If you're not watching it yet is set up like a dog and the dude drops knowledge
Like a blizzard with all these snowflakes in here.
You should ask the people who have a problem with this chat as a whole. I only have a problem with certain people talking shit. That's it
I'd call that an exaggeration
You all realize you can just block individual people if you are sick of them, right?
they are shills
No they must tell instead
Bless up
At this point after catching up on reading some of this I agree
There has been a lot of moving from Guilded to discord, different chats etc. There isn’t a ton of news right now so not much has been happening. Tommy’s been busy with the massive sports/bowl week going on. There hasn’t been much structure here and people were just having fun filling in the gaps.
Anybody who has paid attention knows that this isn’t the same place it was when started. It’s also well known that many OG conspiracy people left because of subject content.
I will shortly! Gotta go live with Bob