Message from @Phig Newton
Discord ID: 794305293747486742
Phig. We are just telling what the real problems are. We just wanna have a good time. We can't do that they way you guys are operating. I don't hate any one here. Well maybe quasi. We just wanna have fun. It's a 24/7 chat
Tommy Robinson - Good or Evil?
Quasi is a fucking cunt I hate that guy I’m glad he’s gone I hope I never have to interact with him ever again especially not tonight that would suck.
Fuckin lukass too. Fuck that guy
Ok so I guess we’ll just wait for the sports people / hosts to post news then? And we all just don’t chat til then?
Have a nice weekend :).
Your fun pretty much killed that chat for everyone else go back to guilded if you want to jerk eachother off
Girls just wanna have fun ohhh girls just wanna have funnnnn
Good - why do you think evil? As in Shill?
This sounds like a lot of sarcasm 😂
Oh shit. We’re brits
No, I just was curious on the chat's view of him. Haven't talked about him much in the chat. Just curious really. I don't know too much about him. @MaggieJRabbleRouser
Bill wish I hated him as much as quasi
Yo legit I had an Ab-Roller like that. Shit is the bomb. I even bought one for my friend too. Fuck I need to go find it
When y'all done fighting go watch this
nah there's no fight here
I think he’s a good guy - he’s been totally sidelined by msm in the uk. Watch his Oxford Union Address. He’s been harassed by the state here for stating basic truths
Anyways did bill Clinton die for real?
I sure hope so. 1 less lizard person walking around.
Crowder did a show with him a couple years ago and I watched his documentary. Thought he was a good dude for sure. But didnt follow up on his story at all. I assumed media would do anything in their power to silence him. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out @MaggieJRabbleRouser
Hey mascara!
Girl I need help too! I don't watch sports but if I can get help and make money, I am down!
I know y'all love birds... I'm also just trying to enlighten the mood. 😆
flood us with your knowledge
I posted the videos to watch
Anyone up for talking cryptids? 😆
You can never have too much brain dumps
Right about now the only knowledge imma drop is this beer in my throat
Uk Patriots love him - he’s totally banned now which only makes me think he tells the truth! 😂
I drink to that
Tommy Robinson is either the biggest bad ass in the UK or he is MI6