Message from @gardener
Discord ID: 794555121773051924
Load up fam
Not a normal nye celebration show with fireworks. Looks alien & advance, occultish, mysterious, creepy in a way, the dna part maybe related to the covid vaccines rolling out. Could be a ceremony or show off, with lots of deep meaning, interpretations. What u guys think?
im sure somebody in this chat has a way to smuggle a bit of covid vaccine and send it to independent lab to test whats really inside
which makes you wonder how come nobody did that already
Negative harmful side effects and symptoms of the new covid vaccines are terrible. News reports of paralyzed face (bell's palsy) with that story of 4 volunteers who took the Pfizer trial vaccines. Another story about that nurse who fainted and people speculate is dead n being covered up. And others describing brain fog, fatigue, low energy, can't think clearly, lost of taste, smell, senses, body & brain trouble and pains. Look at what people are saying in this covid+ subreddit.
not to mention those 8 ppl in germany who received 5x the regular dose but no followup on them
What is everyone so happy they could cry after getting this shot. What pussies
Is this the next intentional evil dumbing down of humans? with the new vaccines. Companies won't say it. But people are experiencing all these harmful things.... Gov already puts fluoride in the water in so many countries
or maybe they dont exists and its psyop and they will claim how vaccine is safe even if you overdose on it
Yeah I read those @gardener ... I remember back in middle school they were all about "THIS" particular flu shot right... Well they ended up having to go get garbage cans because almost half of the students whose parents signed off were puking immediately after getting the shot. They sent them home and the school was empty as fuck. This was in 89 or 90.. Pretty much my 6th he 7th grade year.
heard one of the vaccine companies made it so people can't sue them if anything goes wrong, it is with so many people discussing it. Uh, that's real f'd up. Should definitely be able to sue. So far looking unsafe, it was super rushed. it's experimental, volunteer ppl are guinea pigs testing it and reporting sooo much negative shit
dick Clark's new years eve show was very masonic
the kid performing in leopard print pants had the freemason square for a necklace
can't find a video or link, do u know where?
Anyone have a really good synopsis up till today? Red pilling someone
Not covid so much but more about the bigger picture
The matrix movie scene of morpheus explaining to neo, about the crazy reality & world they live in. The masses are sheep, not ready to be unplugged, and defend the dark system they live in. Such profound, deep truth
can't find video, maybe it'll be uploaded online later. see if there are any other weird things. Not common to see music artists or entertainers perform with a open freemason necklace showing to the public. odd.
all of them are excluded from lawsuits
have u heard of the "mark of the beast" story and prediction from the bible?
same idea, path, and strict draconian rules. Can't enter a store or business without a mask that requires it. Can't fly / travel without vaccine passport proof. Qantas australian airlines made headlines about that. In the future, can't buy & sell without a microchip / implant. Ppl think elon musk's neuralink brain implant is the mark of the beast device. Or one of them, it'll come from some big tech company. Could be other devices and tech. Super creepy n dystopic AF
they dont call it covid1984 for nothing
want to see a company make a new modern movie, documentary about that since the old one came out in 1984, decades ago. Not a hollywood release, could just be an online documentary or on a tv subscription service like netflix, hulu
produced by Union of the Unwanted (also great podcast btw)
also double mask because why not
Union of the unwanted has a low 1,260 subscribers. Should be millions and needs more advertising more on their personal channels. So many big names and great topics
well they just started their own channel but yeah it should be in the mill range
Want to see Josh Sigurdson from world alternative media youtube channel, on that podcast. They have the other wam guy there Tim. Or both would be great
Josh is super woke, knows what's up.
@StickyPirate that’s DOCTOR JILL to you!
@FSMFSM Wtf. I never saw a needle like that before- looks like she faked it.
It almost sounds as if Epstein is alive, in custody, and feeding lin wood info on scotus judge roberts.
Hey guys x
Is this the betting side of things? Xx