Message from @jack allen
Discord ID: 794654358776053852
My sister is the only one that understood it when i told her, now her and i can own lib in laws at future thanksgivings
thats what they do, pin right vs left knowing where our end outcome will be
Shes the only one i was direct with that shit with
Big ups to anyone who owns the first edition of "the law of one" but hasn't read a word
Sorry if i ramble im more than 4 deep and my team doesnt play until 8pm 😂
lol isn't that crowley's book
no ramble! they were solid!
@jack allen you got any books to recommend; i just finished operation paperclip by annie jacobson and im blazing through behold a pale horse rn. Anything historical, thats been my focus as of late
Probably, but also, it's people who totally "channel" aliens.
rise of the 4th reich is bad ass _- Jim Mars
or the most like OG bloodlines of illuminati
fritz springmeyer
Is there a term for being completely disconnected from humanity? I'm that
Thank you
lmao : agorism!
that is how I felt, until i found the agorist community/mindset
@jack allen you're a G
lol! but look it up, i had an episode like two ago w/ a guy "josuha from @ourfoundations
he has a homestead, animals, grows own food all that
big in the agorist movement. just ignore politicians and try not to rely on corporations as much as possible is there methodology
I would do that in a second if I was 30 and smart and hadn't locked myself into a mortgage for the rest of my days
lmao! i hear that. do you own bitcoin or metals?
I don't beleive in Bitcoin, but bought a small amount of gold.
thats awesome! my wife wanted the kithcen done and i paid him in some silver, he loved it. as much as we can unplug from the fed, we gotta try
Crypto will never everake sense to me, it's fiat x 1000000000000000
you are right, i have bitcoin, but idk dude, i prefer to buy metals
Def metals, it's tangible
yeah, cuz an EMP could knock out everything (which they have done simulation of)
and whenever they do a simulation, they seem to always come true lol
Right, but like, if you pretend you're a person living on this planet in 2000 years from now, an artificial currency will never hold any weight, currency needs to be based on something that is finite.
i think their response would be "bitcoin is limited" but i totally get oyur point
but metals have held value for 4,000 years. they got a good track record lol
Or money has no value, there would be no point to working for something that's fabricated
Exactly, there is a reason why gold will always hold value. Like, if we were on the moon, investing in Helium would be a no brainer.
You know what held value longer than gold?
Food, water, and labour