Message from @Konspiracy Kyle
Discord ID: 794678091926601738
That’s what Lin said 😂 don’t hold me on that
I'm thirsty
Is the Alabama game ever going to start
Jesus I just read Lins tweets
Do u trust pompeo or Rudy? I don’t really ...
POTUS nominates someone to VP but must be approved by Congress. I don't think it's clear who counts 🤷♂️
why tf if Lin so hard against mike pence
I don't trust Mike Pence. I can't be the only one.
Chuck Grassley counts the votes if Pence resigns or is unavailable FYI
The fly liked pence
Look at sec Pompano tweets
Happy new year everyone!
I feel like everyone is putting too much stock in every one of his tweets. It’s not news, it’s just a lot of shit talking. IMO.
Yeah dude. People do a lot to stay relevant lol.
I don't know if any of you are rap fans, but checkout MF Doom, amazing MC with an insane history, I don't know how I missed the news, but he passed away, really sad news.
Flynn for VP, hey?
I think Lin is the best account on Twitter right now.
Idk I heard some wild things about Flynn from a guy who is real smart
Imagine throwing 3&2 with under 2 mins on the clock and the other team has no timeouts who would ever do something like that 😂🤷🏼♂️.
His twitter handle is @ we’ve read the documents or something
At this point I’m not going to speculate anything. I’m just going to sit back and enjoy this ride.
Also goes by Vic Vaughn, he's a legend. Really sad news
You ever think this was the reason the Trump team separated themselves from Wood
For good or bad reason
What was the 4deepbet lromo for new members again?
Such as?
I’m curious as well. I know I’m the minority, but something has always felt off with Flynn. Would love to be wrong though
1/6 is more important than ever since they have this waiting behind the political curtain.
How can we trust Lin Wood
@jack allen Mic served under Gen Flynn, and Flynn was one of the guys who babysit mic as a kid- I talk about it on Janet’s most recent pod. Flynn is a true patriot.
@KYChristian I don’t trust anyone (except Mic) but Lin Wood is an accomplished libel lawyer. I trust that he knows the law and wouldn’t say such things without evidence. Check out my telegram channel- I break it down.
@vlynnQ didn't he call for martial law a little while back tho?
im not saying you are wrong. i just don't think anyone is a "true patriot" until they lessen the power of the federal government. it was never meant to wield this much power
@jack allen that’s fake news. He’s has talked about the possible necessity of martial law to clean this shit up. But the report that Maggie Haversham put out in regards to the Oval Office meeting where he supposedly encouraged the president to declare martial law was debunked by Pat Byrne who was also in that meeting.