Message from @jack allen
Discord ID: 794696191509790720
@jack allen that’s okay- you were obviously red pilled another way. Q was meant for the sheeple just waking up. Now that time is passed/ either you’re awake or you’re not going to. Which is why Q is currently quiet in his previous manifestation of knowledge.
Yea I will have to be home with my little ones. I am a decent shot though, if it ever comes to that
what do you think will happen w/ the election?
i love the confidence though!
Hopefully it won’t
@jack allen read my telegram thread. I’m still working on it- there’s a lot in my head that I still need to get out- but there’s a lot laid out already.
I don't have telegram! so basically do you think that trump will be president for another term tho?
Absolutely. The only way he doesn’t is if they assassinate him.
damn! mic drop!
Who’s going to DC on Jan 6 in here?
@jack allen assassination is a remote possibility. He is the most protected president in history. They have circled the wagons and closed ranks. There are only a couple more snakes in the den and they know exactly who they are.
I got to admit. We need to see some damning news soon. 19 days.
@Rob G we see more and more damning news every day. You just need to look in the right place.
@vlynnQ damn! so if hes not assasinated, he becomes president ?! that is a big prediction!
Yeah that’s fucked ^
Those logos are everywhere I have 2 young kids and all over toys again never paid much attention until now and now that you see it you can’t stop seeing it
This is a war on so many levels.
agreed. On diapers, toys, everything
very interesting, wonder on what brands specifically?
They shut down an entire city and are out there dancing. Showing all of the signs.
look no further then the actions of their is rampant w/ degeneracy
Literally everything we have toys from multiple different companies all over everywhere a lot of our stuff was hand me downs but now when we buy stuff I look for them before buying haha also on cartoons. Blues clues horrible with it everywhere
that is nickelodeon right? blues clues?
Most children services too
Adoption places
I think the girl who’s used to be or is in charge of Amber alert helped the Clintons in Haiti
yeah, they are the epitome of degeneracy lol. drug dealing, sex trafficking, embezzlement. you name it, the clintons have taken part of it
The Sam’s club brand of diapers have a symbol slightly variant of this
It’s more circular but close enough
Same. And in movies, especially in newer ones
Just about everything Disney
And all of the kids stuff on Netflix. We really need to cancel that
yeah disney was a puppet of the cia....its hard. you would have to cancel all TV cuz its all programing! i try not to watch much and just read but its def difficult
Even my dogs ball!!!
I’m working from home, so I need the distraction for the kids occasionally otherwise we try to avoid it. Have you watched the video of the ‘small world’ ride at Disney on YouTube.. symbolism everywhere