Message from @TommyG
Discord ID: 794761997878427648
Halt* Urner
Behave people. Geez
Oh my bad Halt Urner
Every 20 minutes I’m getting texts about chaos
Fuck that dude. Troll city
I knew what you meant
@TommyG you like chaos
Yeah apparently you’re a shill of some sorts so I guess someone is paying you 😂
Is it....the JEWS!? 😂 totally not serious
In case they’re listening or reading this
lol you don't have to be paid to be a shill
Made a shirt
Yeah but that’s the main way for most people and we all know he loves money 😂
If Pence is out??? I expected him to. Be the first arrest. But if he is out, the new VP has to be a cinfirmed cabinet member, right? If hd appointed Flynn, the congress woukd have to approve him, right? But if he slid in someone already confirmed, congress would have no say, right? So, Pompeo or even Sessions could be slid in, right?
Oh I’m a paid shill? Hahaha roger that lol
Haha gotta get that 💰 right?
Barr? Maybe? Nah
Where everybody at?
Pence body language
looks upset
Really? The Lincoln project?
Yeah, he'd fit. Mattis or Kelly too, if the drama was a show...
Lol. It's actually true though.
Yeah I know but the Lincoln project is trash lol are they saying they have something to do with that? @FSMFSM
Not a fan of Mattis myself
Happy New Year 🎊 guys
Pence about to bring the hammer down or be another big disappointment, only got a few days left to find out
No, not all. Just Weird that pence changed plans, and cant find any info why.
I used to be. But he seems to have sold out. General dynamics, I think.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking @JackMeehan
@FSMFSM you think it has anything to do with Iran wanting to harm trump? What if they are planning something to get rid of trump for good?
Rumor is that Pence is already out... Unconfirmed, but chatter says he resigned
fake new year