Message from @BeauGis

Discord ID: 794952078300020776

2021-01-02 15:26:08 UTC  

Trump: “Chris Krebs, director of CISA, please watch out for election fraud for me”

Chris Krebs: “This was the most secure election in US history”

2021-01-02 15:26:12 UTC  

True. But I think things will get dark if Trump doesn’t win. Miltia’s are forming and the left are ready to round up conservatives and put them in list and “re-educate” them. If that happens it only takes one gunshot to start it.

2021-01-02 15:26:41 UTC  

Wednesday and Thursday Jones said he had been in touch with the president. Alex and a lady who didn't want to be identified are fronting the money for the rent of the sites. This is for January 6th.

2021-01-02 15:27:50 UTC  

Yes, because the quote unquote war will be over, if Trump goes down, we will never have someone else that has enough power to make a difference. Or the alternate scenario, Trump is apart of the Globalist agenda and created even more diversity to allow Globalists to seize more control and power. I haven't taken that out of consideration.

But if Trump is one of them, we've been screwed.

2021-01-02 15:28:20 UTC  

IDK if anyone has E notifications on, on Parler. But Assange trial is a big day on Jan 4th.

2021-01-02 15:29:06 UTC  

Good point and I hadn’t considered that as a possible conclusion to the Sting theory. Just starting figuring if they had something even close to what was described, why would you not have come forward with it at some point already. But your right, 3 letter agency’s have never had Trumps back so whey would they start now? I mean it did sound like it was something specially set up by the team tho with the possible corruption in mind and choosing the staff wisely.. idk man I just hate being on the back foot with the clock running out so damn much.

2021-01-02 15:30:43 UTC  

At the end of the day we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.

No lawyer is telling us what’s going on behind the scenes.

No one in the know is going to tell us their plans.

We’re all speculating based on whatever we last hear on Twitter lol

2021-01-02 15:30:57 UTC  

The kraken case with the Supreme Court would make a cool political cartoon. A power rangers like mech with justice Roberts operating the head taking down a KRAKEN with Sydney Powell on it’s shoulder

2021-01-02 15:31:21 UTC  

Trumps known about fraud since Romney or probably even before.

2021-01-02 15:31:41 UTC

2021-01-02 15:31:46 UTC  

Agreed, we all really don't know the "plan" We can just speculate at what is about to happen.

2021-01-02 15:32:07 UTC  

So instead of getting hyped on dates or events, I just sit back and wait, the wait is till Jan 20th.

2021-01-02 15:32:21 UTC  

Shittt I’ve known since I was 8 years old in 1996 lmao

2021-01-02 15:32:28 UTC  

At 12:01pm we will have our answer.

2021-01-02 15:32:52 UTC  

Don’t you feel like the battle for public perception is bigger and stronger than ever right now tho? Be a weird move to hold an ace all the way up till this point with all the interviews, write ups, shit talking etc.

2021-01-02 15:33:19 UTC  

Yup, at that time two very different realities will clash and one side will be definitively wrong and the other right

2021-01-02 15:33:30 UTC  

😂 love that movie. Literally thought of that after we learned the dead had risen to vote for Biden.

2021-01-02 15:34:49 UTC  

Okay who can explain why tommy doesn’t like Lin wood

2021-01-02 15:35:08 UTC  

I think the public perception is the "wake up" The more people that realize there is a battle going on in our government and outside forces, the more people will be ready. I think public perception is that truthers are still alone, but we don't control the media. So with the media having control, they portray that they are against what truthers believe. I think truthers far outweigh the denials, but that's my guess.

2021-01-02 15:35:20 UTC  

The way I feel is that they’ve thrown everything they can against the wall to see if it sticks legally.

Anything else that needs to be done is outside of that.

I don’t think the courts will have our backs, I don’t think Pence does anything to help.

At this point I’m depending on a secret plan that I just don’t know about

2021-01-02 15:35:44 UTC  

because like Lin Wood, Tommy is an extremist, so he just goes to the complete other side. He still is on clout and clicks. He needs them. Not bashing, just truth.

2021-01-02 15:35:47 UTC  

seems like he went off the deep end, saying Pence will be in front of a firing squad if he betrays trump

2021-01-02 15:36:54 UTC  

This is just... wow

2021-01-02 15:36:59 UTC  

I don’t have a good feeling bout Lin wood at all.

2021-01-02 15:37:07 UTC

2021-01-02 15:37:31 UTC  

Yeah this is when I started thinking okay this dudes lost it

2021-01-02 15:37:51 UTC  

Lin Wood either has the proof and he's baiting, or he's a pure distraction to keep eyes on him while others go unnoticed. OR he is just a plain psychopath that is going down in flames

2021-01-02 15:38:08 UTC  

You all know I’ve given Lin the benefit of the doubt. Even as it got worse. This is past the deep end

2021-01-02 15:39:00 UTC  

It’s also important to remember we were told a lot of disinformation would be out now so Lin can’t be fully trusted, only potus can

2021-01-02 15:39:16 UTC  

Yeah, he's getting to be too over the top, he's made a lot of bold claims, many have let it ride. But now it's just like, dude, either present the evidence or stfu cuz you're borderline crazy

2021-01-02 15:39:42 UTC  

Why hasnt he been nuked off twitter 🤔

2021-01-02 15:40:00 UTC  

That's my thought, how has he not been put behind censors.

2021-01-02 15:40:12 UTC  

I feel like it’s too easy, like he’s too quick to share info....I don’t feel like it’s going to go down like this

2021-01-02 15:40:55 UTC  

That’s what I keep saying! Cause shilllll that’s why.

2021-01-02 15:41:01 UTC  

Honestly once Lin Wood and Sidney Powell started aligning with Ali, it through out bad vibes to me

2021-01-02 15:41:20 UTC  

I really respect Sidney but I thought it was bad judgement

2021-01-02 15:41:35 UTC  

Who’s Ali

2021-01-02 15:41:45 UTC  

I’m personally giving Lin until the 6th, and trump until the 20th. After the 20th if we’ve lost it’ll be past time to trust our future with anyone but ourselves

2021-01-02 15:42:13 UTC  


2021-01-02 15:43:03 UTC  

@xBenJamminx I think it’s disinformation, it’s a possible psyop Lin wood is pointing people in the wrong direction

2021-01-02 15:43:38 UTC  

This guy. Gives me super bad vibes