Message from @xBenJamminx
Discord ID: 794970507871125514
And many pardons probably right away...
good point..
90 percent of the people at the rallies will go home if trump loses and not care, that’s why it’s so important
Majority will say Q was bullshit see he lost
We know it’s not bullshit but try convincing the public
@xBenJamminx I just went back to read what you have said. Trump appointments wer stone walled. K T McFarland would have been great. Senate never got around to a hearing. If Flynn wouldn't have screwed just think what he would done. Rep Paul Ryan deep state. He didn't help Trump one Second.
“The bod is a gay alien. “Dammit that intro song
Out of all the ppl Trump helped if 5% of them did something to help him that would be a lot. But it seems like most just used him to help them selves
The same guys who were for Ron Paul, did nothing when he was shunned are going to do nothing again if Biden wins because Dan Crenshaw will run and he has a cool eye patch. People are sheep
None of that really matters though does it? It happened
You are right
Look forward
That's how I got the vax, I thought it was normal.
Reince priebus, Paul Ryan, McMaster, Mattie, Kelly, Bolton, Omarosa, scaramucci, Cohen
The one thing I always say is that even though Trump prides himself on hiring the best people, he absolutely did not do that for the Presidency
I just listened to the #45 podcast and I just want to say the co host of the year has to be the dude who did that lawyer interview live over discord awhile back
All those we were led to believe were good
lmao this looks fake, wasnt able to find anything online
Vax to the dong? No thx.
pretty funny
Clear photoshop lol
Has to be, I can’t find the article. Would not have surprised me though
sad part is, i would not have been surprised
Some of his choices def left something to be desired. My originsal thoughts were once he was re-elected he would replace his first cabinet with a cabinet that would accomplish everything he asked. But we have to get there first
Unless he was hiring FOR the establishment.
Trump didn't appoint a bunch of Czars like Obama. No senate approval just work in the background screwing up things.
Paul Ryan was elected an representative
Chris Wray, Gina Haspel, Jeff sessions, Keith Kellogg, Fiona Hill, etc...
Unfortunately the list is long
Definitely see this happening. But at the same hand kind of have mixed feelings about this. Because if Biden wins and they start the clock for the Global Reset I feel like things will pop off. I live in Cali and my liberal friends who don’t see eye to eye with me on Trump are even a little worried about it. A lot of times things only get better after rock bottom. I really hope it doesn’t pan out that way, but that maybe the only wake up call for a lot of Americans.
Did one person with knowledge tell Trump all these people are against you?
He let the wrong ppl be in control of personnel
@Abaddon that’s just a small handful of people that even know what the great reset is most people are asleep
They won’t be a sleep once the government takes more than half their paycheck 😂
The only person who could have helped was destroyed. Flynn knew all the bad people.
Bill Barr, a lifetime cover-up man who protects cia ops, just happens to be in charge of the DoJ when Epstein gets suicided and the story gets swept under the rug. Puh-lease.
That’s why Venezuela is starving and the citizens are fucked they can’t do shit about it now it’s too late
Trump needs to win now
That’s what people thought with Washington, but he and his army prevailed. I’ll never count us Americans out and our “don’t tell me how to live my life” attitude.