Message from @FSMFSM
Discord ID: 795085736209940491
“Acting as a cure worse than the disease.” Is what I’m speaking on... many professions fall under that
What food? 👀
Bottom-line, everyone must become personally responsible for themselves. They can't keep relying on laws of the state.
You're right, because those professions are given special advantages within a society not meant to last.
Police are the ones who bring immoral, unjust, & wicked laws into physical manifestation. Police bear the ultimate moral culpability.
Hence why I dont understand the support. Theres a movement here to refuse service to police in ur business lol
@TyrantSmasher I don’t see that everywhere with police
Right, which makes them equally as important to wake up. But they doesn't mean we should take their shit until they do. Again, I don't believe all police are bad.
I come from a police/military family so I’m biased.
As long as police work for the politicians and not their communities, there's going to be a problem.
All police have agreed to enforce immoral & unjust laws. That's bad. 😬
I see more issues with teachers, politicians, doctors and now grocery store workers
[YouTube: Mark Spicolli] I don't know what you're doing. but I have a feeling it's gonna be funny as hell.
It's not personal. It's the un just order following, it goes against being human.
Right, because they threaten you with the police.
@President-Elect Frankie G I was threatened w police at a grocery store and was told by the officer that it’s a joke and was left alone
Best comment.
That's good. Just not what's happening everywhere. Not all cops have a functioning moral compass with what's going on.
There’s discretion. Police use it all the time and don’t enforce every law.
@President-Elect Frankie G Some do and some don’t. That’s why I can’t group them all together.
I agree, but there's fundamental issues with them following state orders.
All cops enforce drug laws. If they didn't, they lose their jobs.
[Twitch: ITZsharky1] Hello
In you discord msg @Sideshow Bob
As the police are right NOW, I cannot back them.
I seriously think majority of cops get into it for the wrong reasons. I dont see them as heroes at all.
cops are people too. so remember they can also be mindless robots beliving what their tv is telling them too..
Theres no excuse man.
@FSMFSM yeah, just like how I can’t view nurses or doctors as heroes or anyone for that matter. You’re your own hero.
[Twitch: ITZsharky1] Thanks :) my final placement was 10th
[Twitch: ITZsharky1] NICE!
I do feel this way, too. But not all of them are like that. I've had a client of mine who was a cop and I genuinely think some of them just need the right kinda TLC and care. She wasn't a bad person underneath and her energy cleared up more through helping her heal.
anyone have the face swap?
no excuse for forgetting people's rights and freedoms
Where the hell is CTubs?
But when push comes to shove, we must stand up for what's right.
need danny's head on christian bale from american psycho
U nailed it. They do what there told. It's not right. In our work, we dont fuck people over even though the law actually allows us to lol.