Message from @Neo
Discord ID: 795188379494514708
It was his Tom Hanks thread that got me into all of this
dude shes not dead. Nobody is dead until we all know about it. Everything else is guessing. Theres no mass indictments. Its us vs the elities, whoever says otherwise is trying to connect any and all dots.
Its only his buddies and people that need a launch pad for their own platform if they're willing to suck his dick for exposure.
Hanks was just the beginning. Gitmo expanded, new EO authorized FEMA camps...enjoy the show that’s to come...
Agenda 21 more fema camps
They're not for the elites
ill believe it when i see it. We are being gaslit from both sides. Wouldnt be suprised if Q was neocon.
Right 220,000 sealed indictments currently
They're still sealed
I have not seen any heads roll
For now...
I will let neo take that one
My suggestion is to stay focused on the now and what we can do to show our support for trump and our movement
Double check everything you disagree with. Triple check anything you DO agree with
I think Q is 100% something sinister. Why I don’t really trust Flynn.
We’ll see what happens but much more to probably come.
The way ppl around flip their shit constantly is weird
After getting into infowars i trust them more than anyone. and Q said Alex Jones was mossad which is just a name you call someone you dont like,.
You’ll see Q ppl in spotlight get to stay on platforms no matter what they say, but everyone of us would get banned so fast
Just seems sketchy. But again, all I know is, I don’t know anything
which is why i trust Jones. His whole platform got banned and i can see why. They constantly talk bad about the guy and he cant even defend himself
I don't follow Q myself, but if Q is the opposition, what is their goal?
Complacency, distraction, misdirection? Idk
They are all PsyOps it’s just more shadow people fighting for our attention
Do what you will with this one.
Trust the plan. dont act out everything is fine. They gotta give you bits of truth. I want Q to be real but the thing is we are a part of this government so we gotta do something.
It’s funny that people think these secret organizations that have been around since the beginning of our civilization are being exposed
The flaw of that is I didn’t even of q 4 months ago, still don’t know much and 95% of ppl I talk to would have no idea what I was saying if I mentioned. So it’s such a small targeted group
Did you see her spynet movie or whatever its called? Tore and the biker dude are fakes. Tore shows it pretty well.
I saw the first one talking about the release. I thought that was part of it.
That’s why I started paying attention, kind of. My husband has always been aware of the evil in the world and looked into everything. I didn’t want to know so I ignored it. But eventually I couldn’t. There are a lot ppl who were kind of alway ‘awake’ though
Thanks for the confirmation neo
Agree but it wasnt for everyone just to distract the real truthers and discredit them.
Ever since I can remember I’ve always questioned the nature of our reality. And Im sure the powers at be really know what all of this is . That’s why they are the ones with the power tnb
What’s up everybody 🍻
I mean dont just take my word for it decide for yourself but the whole thing seems fake.
Very likely
I can't not capable any more