Message from @Crimson_Wolf
Discord ID: 795185163922964512
Guys i think Q is playing for the other team
that fucker
I saw that too, and in the comments they just seem to think it is because of the china virus
must be true
Anyone else listening to Tommy ramble on??
But but Biden loves China, China loves Biden
Duck cival war let's duck up China
Everyone who didn't get out of their cities that made mask mandates and blah blah is a rat in a cage and a slave.... aren't you in jersey?
any chance I get
Chain me to the wall
Tommy g is kind of a dumbass
We are all slaves
even if Trump wins, thats not going to stop the governors or Bill Gates
Shit you see how much foreign aid was in the covid bill
Nobody is getting locked up or executed it never happens
I love how he constantly bitches at people in his "community" for freaking out over stuff that happens yet he got shit faced the night of the election because of what was going on because he relies on fucking stock markets and betting sites
The governors?
Q is meant to keep you staying compliant
Executed publicly
Is a must
the governors will continue shutdowns and masks, what will Trump do?
Video confessions all on tape...
Redistribute their family assets
My Governor hasn't issued a mask mandate
Starting with killary
oh, i'm in CA
im just confused about mike pence on 1/6. people say its up to him and all of these people are objecting but they did the same in 2016 (not as many tho). if its up to the VP couldnt have biden just won it for hillary basically? people say there has to be fraud evidence but what is stopping VP from saying there is and going for his own side?
the dude is full of himself and the pod isnt very good but i respect him for wanting to do all the digging and research even if nothing happens from it. I do miss his twitter threads i just wish he would go more conspiracy and leave the Q shit alone. Tinfoil Hat does a great job i wish he would do more of that but he never has on good guests just friends and Qtards.
Killary’s been dead for awhile from what I’ve read....
It was his Tom Hanks thread that got me into all of this
dude shes not dead. Nobody is dead until we all know about it. Everything else is guessing. Theres no mass indictments. Its us vs the elities, whoever says otherwise is trying to connect any and all dots.
Its only his buddies and people that need a launch pad for their own platform if they're willing to suck his dick for exposure.
Hanks was just the beginning. Gitmo expanded, new EO authorized FEMA camps...enjoy the show that’s to come...
Agenda 21 more fema camps
They're not for the elites
ill believe it when i see it. We are being gaslit from both sides. Wouldnt be suprised if Q was neocon.