Message from @TyrantSmasher
Discord ID: 795347502861385759
What kind of water do you drink
Too many people like cheap water like it’s some “deal” when in reality they are filtering their body with trash
Listen to us....”kinds of water”, water is h2O. That’s it. There can’t be different kinds.
@WizKhaliba I use a berkey for a water filter and fiji when I need bottled water but I add Celtic salt to my water and I’m gonna start adding more
@serialthrilla water is water but people put shit in it so unfortunately, I’m a water snob.
I’m in the market for a whole home filtration system, probably reverse osmosis to specifically help our fish tanks too.
I’ll drink Poland spring if I can’t get fiji 🤫
Seeming as your body is mainly water i dont blame you for being concerned about what you drink
@WizKhaliba and the skin being the biggest organ... I worry about the water I’m bathing in too. I have kids and I’m dramatic w it but sometimes I let them live normal lol “sure, you can rinse your toothpaste with that nasty tap water”
At least we drink water, poisoned or not. Most people drink nothing but soda and juice.
@serialthrilla isn’t that the truth! I love this coconut drink called bai
Living on the edge, careful CPS doesn’t get called 🤣
@serialthrilla thank God my kids are homeschooled
I’m a 90s baby and nothing is the same.. all the snacks I loved as a kid have trash in them now
If our schools don’t start backing off this Covid shit I’m wanting to home school too. Two full time working parents wold make that difficult though.
@serialthrilla yeah, it will be hard but I hope maybe you could find someone else that is homeschooling and they could help
@serialthrilla what state are you in?
I haven’t looked into it closely, but I know these public schools are worthless indoctrination centers and nothing else. Few of us escaped without being mind controlled but it’s only because we slept through our classes and now our high school friends don’t believe anything we say because we were the ones who slept through school so the fuck do we know right?
I know even in high school, I was always questioning whether rules made any sense. I suppose I slept thru a class or two lol.
in other words most highly educated people are just dumb as fuck
@serialthrilla I never slept but challenged everything any teacher ever said to me and was hated in elementary and middle school
History class was my favorite in high school bc my dad told me all the made up bullshit
@President-Elect Frankie G I’m drinking warm water today and I’m peeing more than usual which is good
GOOD. You needed it.
luckily there were those amongst us who started to realize all the history they taght was bullshit and everything else was almost useless in the real world
@President-Elect Frankie G I’m guessing cold water takes longer to per out?
Probably more to do with the amount of salt you're tolerating now.
I put a little more salt in today
Love how that lady thinks the tie is a convincing addition to her "cuz I'm a guy" costume. Genius!!
Anyone from GA? What’s the feeling towards the runoffs?
She’s stealing my adulthood!!
Is that illegal? Sounds illegal
Deep state scum