Message from @One.Woke.Mama
Discord ID: 795372427970347030
17000 x 10
O yea
Once one falls we can hope they all fall
I road tripped 1100 miles and seen at least 300 trump signs the big ones and not one Biden sign
Yea I see so many Trump signs but we are a very red area
There’s no way in hell Biden legally won
Definitely saw more Biden then Hillary signs tho
Philly is filled with Biden lovers
0% chance he legally won 😂
The areas filled with crime love Democrat’s and that’s why they are where they are
Yea I’m hoping all these people moving from cali don’t keep voting blue
My mother in law was just recently red pilled and she’s in the gloom and doom stage lol I’m trying to talk off her the ledge
Not easy
I hear cali voted red this year
@kytitan fuck. That’s the worst.
@kytitan remind her that life goes on and she has to as well
Yea, I told her I remember feeling like I would never feel ‘ok’ again, but I do now.
Sorry replied wrong person
And tell her she’s not alone. I feel sorry for it... it’s like drug withdrawal
Her** not it
sounds like its time to tell her about frazzledrip
I told her to take breaks
Definitely need breaks
Anyone else from Dallas TX? Just saw this!
I’m not sure how far she has been down the rabbit hole, but far enough to be terrified. Just gotta remember nothing has changed except our knowledge of it
@kytitan exactly
What's a bmv??
Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
I think it has to do w motor vehicle
Yeah ^ lol
What about the wanting to locate? Like, trying to find someone?
Did they defund the police in dallas?
I fully believe ppl who have been recently red pilled are the reason why there’s psych wards and they convince them they are just “crazy”
Damn! Never thought of that! You could be right
Ay Oh
you know chilling
Bc once you are red pilled you kinda experience a ton of mental illnesses at once lol
I've wondered about that. Are any crazy people actually crazy??