Message from @landon
Discord ID: 795370329487966208
I think mike is good tbh, I’m from Indiana and he was liked for the most part pretty sure
We still have a shit ton of foot work to do.. this doesn’t end with a trump victory. We are being targeted 24/7.
@One.Woke.Mama I just went through Indiana
It’s gonna be fun posting stuff saying trump is the president and stuff again
What part?
Straight through the middle
Ah ok
From Ohio into nasty Illinois
Haha yea
We stay out of Illinois 😳
My hotel in Indiana was cheap
That’s good
When I first got into Indiana I thought ugh fucked but the mask mandated lightened up once I was more in the middle
I passed the big fedex hub in Indianapolis
That’s cool I’m pretty unfamiliar with the upper/ middle of Indiana
Most of the stores I’ve been to don’t even care about masks
Illinois was like mini California
Ugh that sucks
Are you from Indiana?
What I’m seeing on Twitter and Ben shared it on there too about the 17000+ votes taken from trump in Georgia will get somewhere I hope
17000 x 10
O yea
Once one falls we can hope they all fall
I road tripped 1100 miles and seen at least 300 trump signs the big ones and not one Biden sign
Yea I see so many Trump signs but we are a very red area
There’s no way in hell Biden legally won
Definitely saw more Biden then Hillary signs tho
Philly is filled with Biden lovers
0% chance he legally won 😂
The areas filled with crime love Democrat’s and that’s why they are where they are
Yea I’m hoping all these people moving from cali don’t keep voting blue
My mother in law was just recently red pilled and she’s in the gloom and doom stage lol I’m trying to talk off her the ledge
Not easy
I hear cali voted red this year
@kytitan fuck. That’s the worst.
@kytitan remind her that life goes on and she has to as well
Yea, I told her I remember feeling like I would never feel ‘ok’ again, but I do now.
Sorry replied wrong person
And tell her she’s not alone. I feel sorry for it... it’s like drug withdrawal