Message from @Chelsea Baby
Discord ID: 795739801541541928
Right before you need them to listen to your about election fraud
So is he good or bad then because let’s get behind the people that are trying to tell the truth timing or not
He’s making you all seem crazy as fuck
Tommy did also repeatedly tweet at Jack that didn’t help lmao
It is sad extreme work out man
You essentially shock their brain into locking down. Not to mention I think at this point Lin only concerned with money which is why he didn’t do shit until it was too late to matter
If Lin woods wrong I don’t wanna be right
He just tied election fraud to hilllaru Clinton eating babies
I’m lost as to why everyone thinks Epstein and this election are unrelated.
So who’s right then? The invisible leprechaun?
read this twice, still don't understand what you're trying to say
U really think that will give u public sympathy ?!?
Aren't they tied though
I mean everything goes hand and hand 🤷🏽♂️
Yes but not in the eyes of the public
So pence is a shill and Lin woods wrong and Sydney Powell is useless soooo
Because you’re an idiot then
It was an amazing thing. Tying emotion to the maga movement. It was really brilliant maneuver. I sometimes still can’t look without bringing my bias and like for trump
the whole blackmail system
Who we cheering for?
This isn’t a cult we are community building lol
Oh ok Trump on his own is gonna rose over the world with no help and has zero allies yeah sick plot
Aren't we supposed to expose all of this to the public so they can turn against their leaders and search for the good ones the same way we have
Okay but this is the truth isn’t it?
Some people here are deffo in the cult but a lot of people are just vining
I don’t think Lin Wood is doing more harm than good if anything it’s seeding these ideas into peoples mind. Might sound crazy, but the thought has been seeded
Again I get the timing but idk
He’s just gonna ride on a dragon from game of thrones by himself and take over the planet
i hope i didnt walk into a cult all willy nilly today and didnt notice 😱
Truth gotta come out sometime
You got it, no ones working with him.
Its fucking RUDE to ignore someone, when they have asked you something 3 times
Exactly my thoughts
It's not a cult that is certified fake news
Wasn’t jackfuckskids his handle too?
There was a Q post about putting black squares in the memes so that the algorithms don’t pick up on them