Message from @Matt.
Discord ID: 795844820789887007
At least that’s what I think.
U should sign up to be a contestant, everyone has thier "quirk" on the bachelor, u can be the "conspiracy theorist" 😂
It still is theta waves. The effects are more subtle.
Dude she was so hot in that movie
Oh that was before I started watching
I'm on the gambling side. It's so fun. It has always been the better side in my opinion. I only ever come here for BenBC, live shows, or to chat during a live event. @Bill R is an absolute legend.
I couldn't not pick that one
Ed and Jillian. Maybe 2009/2010
I suppose so. I don’t usually just watch reality tv. Generally on my phone or also playing a game. But yeah I’m probably a little programmed lol.
And to post your daily kaleigh picture 😂
First timer here, what should I expect?
Keep them coming
Ya I hadn’t started watching then. And they’re not together now?
Haha! That would be my fear, production would find out how weird I am and exploit it x10
Don't get offended easy and you'll fit right in
@a lil rain theres a lot of trolls today just crying and complaining. Release the kraken
Good for you! I left 3 years ago and now I’m just here for some weeks before we leave CA.
Or get offended and demand apologies and you'll fit right in with some of the other libs that pass through here
Absolute worst speech
i’m not wasting my energy on trolls
Cat you can be better than that bachelorette who wouldn’t stop yapping about being 39
No lol. They weren't even together after filming. It was completely scripted by writers
Good to see you in here rain
Wellp so far it looks like there’s a certain someone only complaining . (About trolls crying )
BRB gotta throw the beer cans out the window and pp out the window
Remember back in the day when disagreeing was normal without everyone throwing a tantrum? Good times
You’ll prob unintentionally offend someone else.. don’t stress it lol
@Rage Fueled today was too insane lol
This chick obviously gonna get chosen
Dont get stuck
Yo did i miss them talking?
@Cat_Faces has Sarah been on yet? DMed u
What happened?
10 15
Have no expectations and you shall not be disappointed
How come some have tiaras and some dont?