Message from @Mech

Discord ID: 796010536059928616

2021-01-05 13:05:16 UTC  

Don jr,

2021-01-05 13:05:24 UTC  

He’d make lefties reeeeee more

2021-01-05 13:07:22 UTC  

I want a young president. Tired of the average age being 69

2021-01-05 13:09:56 UTC  

That shit was funny lmao

2021-01-05 13:13:01 UTC  

You got to watch the whole movie, pretty sure it’s still on Netflix. We all need to not forget to laugh in times like these.

2021-01-05 13:13:42 UTC  

Ill check it out next weekend hopefully

2021-01-05 13:17:01 UTC  

Now this is interesting 🧐

2021-01-05 13:17:51 UTC  

Guys some douche bag just reported my cia rant on the cia. What do I do I’m totally freaking out!!!

2021-01-05 13:30:25 UTC  

New episode about the Trump March with Elijah Schaffer, Bryson Gray and Tina Forte

2021-01-05 13:32:19 UTC  

Good morning guys! Idk if y’all listen to this podcast called the confessionals but go listen to at least the first 6 minutes of this podcast he talks about the great reset that is a totally different perspective.

2021-01-05 13:33:44 UTC  

Every government election official in Georgia says the election was perfectly fair and awesome. If anyone’s mind is getting changed at this point some undeniable evidence has to be presented at some point. Hoping that happens tomorrow but even if it does, half the country will think it’s fabricated. Something even bigger will have to happen to avoid war IMO. I think full declas is the only thing that prevents armed conflict, it’s the only thing that will wake enough people up to the fact that they’ve been getting fucked since before they were born by the deep state. The people of this country, right here and now, are all that stands between global freedom and total enslavement, the end of humanity as we know it. We are dealing with psychopaths that are controlled by satan himself. There’s no way this doesn’t get ugly.

2021-01-05 13:36:29 UTC  

was that your CIA rant?

2021-01-05 13:36:43 UTC  


2021-01-05 13:36:54 UTC  

I’ll copy paste it though. It’s nothing special

2021-01-05 13:38:55 UTC  

“The days of all American spies being all white male graduates from Ivy League schools are long gone”
That was my local abc headline this morning.

“The CIA brought nazi scientists back here after ww2 to continue their experiments on humans in this country. Operation paperclip. The CIA controls the mainstream media. Operation mockingbird. The CIA used Air America to distribute drugs brought back in the body cavities of dead GI’s in Vietnam for satanic cults. It’s fine if you don’t believe me, doesn’t make any of this untrue though. Former head of the Los Angeles FBI, Ted Gunderson has spelled all of this out for us and it’s very well documented for anyone willing to turn off tiktok and pay attention to their country. The CIA is the enemy of the people and so is anyone who promotes them.” -me

2021-01-05 13:39:00 UTC  

From 🇲🇽 let me say, you really are the last line of defense. We are trying to hold on, but this is mostly a poor country. And rightfully so. While I disagree with most of what our current president wants, he was right by not accepting money from the IMF and the like. Please keep fighting, otherwise it is true, the free world as we knew it... is over.

2021-01-05 13:39:09 UTC  

And thank you.

2021-01-05 13:41:40 UTC  

and i am speaking from canada. This country is in a coma

2021-01-05 13:43:13 UTC  

@Mech well at least the hockey players still kick ass..... sorry not sorry Germany

2021-01-05 13:44:30 UTC  

The CIA did introduce crack cocaine to the inner cities to fund South American wars in the 1980s too

2021-01-05 13:45:00 UTC  

You can't have a war on drugs without drugs.

2021-01-05 13:45:04 UTC  

The biggest drug cartel in the world

2021-01-05 13:45:11 UTC  

Oh yeah. We still have some of that deep in the Mexican jungle. Been there. Not a pretty sight.

2021-01-05 13:47:12 UTC  

I have to admit, the decades and centuries of planning that have gone into this global communist takeover are impressive. I used to think it was dumb when you read about things like China’s 1000 year plan. I’d say, anyone who starts that plan will be dead, who does that? Once you realize that demonic entities simply change vessels and continue their march toward enslaving mankind throughout the centuries, well it makes perfect sense.

2021-01-05 13:49:18 UTC

2021-01-05 13:49:34 UTC  

Basically. I've also heard the idea that the elite obsession with family line inbreeding is a way to preserve the continuity of memory from one life to the next.

2021-01-05 13:50:19 UTC  

Drugs are certainly winning. Legal and illegal drugs.

2021-01-05 13:51:06 UTC  

Not only that, but they (the UN, IMF and the UK Royalty) have convinced society of the “new normal” have you seen the cover for cosmo magazine?

2021-01-05 13:51:39 UTC  

There is a lot of eternal knowledge that is withheld from humanity. We all have the key to it and that’s why they are working hard to remove the pieces of humanity and consciousness that can connect us to it. I tell everyone stop looking to someone else for answers, you hold all of the answers to all of your questions inside yourself. It’s a matter of accessing the informations

2021-01-05 13:52:18 UTC  

no waht it is

2021-01-05 13:52:55 UTC  

They play a long game for sure. We have all been duped into a rat race and blindfolded to the mofos who set it up. The only thing we got is each other but we have been traines to be divided since birth. These are the invisible chains of modern slavery. Do you know how they tame an elephant from birth? When they are young they tie them up with a heavy chain that they cant break no matter what they try. As they get older the chain gets lighter until a rope will do the job just as well. How easy is it for an adult elephant to break a rope?

2021-01-05 13:55:18 UTC  

I mean no disrespect to anybody size or shape. But I mean, the troublesome thing is actually the text. Not so much the image. That is obviously not healthy. More people suffer from obesity than from covi...

2021-01-05 13:55:41 UTC  


2021-01-05 13:56:10 UTC  

This is full wall-e movie Right there

2021-01-05 13:56:28 UTC  

she look thinner when she puts her leg together.

2021-01-05 13:57:32 UTC  

Silly question why are they showing the white envelopes at the funeral again?

2021-01-05 13:57:33 UTC  

obesity is the number one cause of illness. This is part of the number one cause of mental illness.

2021-01-05 13:57:57 UTC  

After Cosmo has been selling anorexia for the last 40 years.