Message from @puggijoe96

Discord ID: 796094752150913124

2021-01-05 19:10:47 UTC  

That sucks

2021-01-05 19:10:52 UTC  
2021-01-05 19:11:14 UTC  

We using equipment from 30 years ago thats how bad funding was while Obama was in

2021-01-05 19:11:18 UTC  

jesus 9pm curfew is stupid, everyone knows corona loves to spread during the day only!

2021-01-05 19:11:34 UTC  

Naval cadets have the reputation of being the softest of the military branches and idk why

2021-01-05 19:11:37 UTC  

When Obama was in people dont even know the struggles

2021-01-05 19:12:06 UTC  

Obama was a grade 1 clown

2021-01-05 19:12:28 UTC  

With michelle smallcock obama

2021-01-05 19:12:56 UTC  

Trump has done so much for the military dont believe that shit media says

2021-01-05 19:13:39 UTC  

Obamaโ€™s military was firing generals because they were wasting tens of millions holding people over for medical discharges so long they became permanent party and got partial tricare for life, then kicking out lifers with small buyouts. Those years were a shame for our military

2021-01-05 19:14:31 UTC  

Yup people dont realize how bad Obama was for us

2021-01-05 19:14:32 UTC  

Yet trump is a villain for wanting our boys not to die for a bullshit war in Syria

2021-01-05 19:14:41 UTC  

Not wanting*

2021-01-05 19:15:16 UTC  

Off topic but 2.8 million ppl die a year from obesity. So why not shut down mcdonalds?

2021-01-05 19:15:24 UTC  

ugh I watched that a few days ago ): neighbours need to stand together not rat on each other.

2021-01-05 19:15:24 UTC  

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ‘

2021-01-05 19:15:54 UTC  

what he said abot McCain and POW was not cool tho

2021-01-05 19:15:57 UTC  

Itโ€™s alright COVID has already stopped obesity deaths in their tracks!

2021-01-05 19:16:10 UTC  

Wasn't McCain executed for treason though?>

2021-01-05 19:16:12 UTC  

<#791368871318650889> is gone?

2021-01-05 19:16:19 UTC  

Well believe it or not its actual believed Mccain was a traitor

2021-01-05 19:16:30 UTC  

^ thats what i heard

2021-01-05 19:16:49 UTC  

Go watch his funeral. His casket has the flag on it obviously wrinkled as FUCK

2021-01-05 19:17:01 UTC  

When a flag is wrinkled like thats its a sign of someone being a traitor

2021-01-05 19:17:09 UTC  

The comment was tasteless coming from the Command in Chief but also how do you go from tortured POW to a RINO neo con that wants us involved in every single conflict globally just so your buddies in the MIC can make billions?

2021-01-05 19:17:42 UTC  

His funeral on youtube go scan through look at our flag on his casket

2021-01-05 19:17:47 UTC  

Its wrinkled as hell

2021-01-05 19:18:07 UTC  

This is true

2021-01-05 19:18:12 UTC  

Thats like an inside military note that he was a traitor

2021-01-05 19:18:41 UTC  

It should be a huge red flag that the Dem establishment went from hating McCain and the Bush admin to acting like they were best friends and the greatest thing to happen to the GOP when Trump took over

2021-01-05 19:19:01 UTC  

People assume the notes that were passed out at his funeral were also going to traitors to warn them that they're next

2021-01-05 19:19:03 UTC  

Flags on caskets never look that ever. Been to plenty of funerals they are pristine and crisp

2021-01-05 19:19:16 UTC  

Same in CO

2021-01-05 19:20:00 UTC  

The โ€œmoderateโ€ establishment are all in league together the neo-con/neo-liberal alliance only differ on identity politics so they can rally the opposing basis into a corral of interventionist globalism

2021-01-05 19:20:07 UTC  

hmm, any infor on how he may have betrayed us?

2021-01-05 19:20:09 UTC  

So to answer that i believe McCain was a traitor personally yes

2021-01-05 19:20:43 UTC  

He was selling guns to Iran with obama and hillary.

2021-01-05 19:20:49 UTC  

theres a bunch of stuff out there to much to type but its out there. @voyeur

2021-01-05 19:20:49 UTC  

Yay!! North or south of Denver?

2021-01-05 19:20:49 UTC  

From what I've seen