Message from @DeplorableJanet
Discord ID: 796129945172181004
I got directions
Thank you hun!
Ya the Blake and Rittenhouse news in the same day might lead to more protests in WI soon
We have seen so many trump flags flying on our way to DC! It’s fantastic
Have you made it in yet? Btw HEY BABE♥️
Probably even have bucks and packers make statements too
2 1/2 hours away. Ready to do this!
Driving > flying
I have good friends at the courtyard by Marriott on L street! Maybe you’ll run into them!
Hey deplorable good luck
@DeplorableJanet I'm so excited for you!!! I hope you video everything you can!!!
There’s no better way to explore America the beautiful than a long road trip
What about the camps there gonna do in new york
Driving this leg
They said they’re not allowing any more comments lol I wonder why 🤣🤣
Safe travels
I am crossing my fingers that we will get those declassified files of blackmail sometime in my living life
Anno haha
Fact checkers is the key word 🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼🤨🤨
Damn did we send that at the same time 😂
tomorrow should be an incredible day in this discord. Glad I have no responsibilities or commitments
Lmao who the fuck are fact checkers a bunch of fucking losers making 15/hour in their moms basement
he can reject them if they were not certified by the states LEGISLATURE
Yea true,
@DeplorableJanet so jealous!! Safe travels and have fun
Also the fact it says fact checkers from CNN yeah I’m throwing a book at their faces
Ah ok thanks
I’m really hoping it’s possible but obviously everyone online is saying it’s not
I thought pence would disqualify the 5 states so the score would be 232-228 for trump
That would cause so much mayhem
Don’t rely on pence
I'd love it