Message from @traplordsavage
Discord ID: 796167452957343784
Bro what the fuck is that? I’m 2 minuets in and what???
You guys see Google and Apple Maps jamming ‘directions’ for D.C.?
Lights were just shut at the rally.
Chrissie Mayr is down there
IDK. I wonder who it is.
Someone said earlier they were having gps troubles
Omg I just dry scooped HAVOC pre workout and my skin itches all over my body 😳
Sorry off topic.
My vision is blurry is this what a stroke feels like
Well no one worry I have downloaded and saved it a USB already , who knows if it’s BS or silly haven’t listened to it all but if it’s huge I need the proof for when they delete it
Snagged a copy too
Have fun! Max put your bench press today 🙌 happens to the best of us
listen to the libtard squeel the first of many 😂
I’m scared. Lol. Glad someone can relate. Feels like there’s bugs under my skin
That happens to me too with pre workout.
Yeah man when I was training I was a crack addict with it 2 scoops straight to my mouth with just a swig of water 💀💀 just worse thing you can do is not workout because then you’ll feel like that for a long time
@traplordsavage what is the premise of it? I am unable to listen right now
Have you tried asking nicely?
Did you go down there alone? How are you feelings? are the vibes all around good? 🙏🏼
Ohh I’m going to go run a train on my free weights. That’s for sure. Lol
So far to me , sounds like some official deposition of some sorts ? Calling US generals and FBI agents by name saying how they conspired in the 2016 and 2020 election . I’m driving rn so I stopped it but have a copy gonna grab a beer and sit down and listen to that bitch closely
I tried the elev8 supplement. Bought the 60 day pack.. felt like I was going to have a heart attack everyday for a week lol I thought maybe I’d get used to it, but I couldn’t keep trying, it was miserable. But I’m 5’2 120.. I’m sure it would be better for normal sized adults
Gotta get the “non thermogenic” or sum shit like that , the thema stuff makes you tingle
I personally live for that tingle
CNN getting bitch slapped in their home state.
What's up chat
You see more and more congress members coming out saying they won’t contest. No way Trump is waiting congress to save him. I’m so curious what will happen. Will we even know tomorrow, if it goes into a hearing and vote.. I don’t think we’d know for a week.. that’s why I think he’s got something planned
Vettes suck tho and are slow
-from a. Mustang owner 😎
Watching Ford vs Ferrari
It's a gamertag from like 5 years ago
Who wins lol
Mustangs > Vettes
I like the older z06
I remember when mustangs used to be boats
love is officially dead
nobody has any hope