Message from @Beckster3882

Discord ID: 796181071888515084

2021-01-06 00:55:31 UTC  

She was here earlier

2021-01-06 00:55:38 UTC  

Oh was she

2021-01-06 00:55:51 UTC  

Chelsea what’s up? Zo ain’t the only bodybuilder up in Heaaaa

2021-01-06 00:56:01 UTC  

I just saw the drama yesterday and janet calling out all the mouthbreathers that were calling for bans

2021-01-06 00:56:04 UTC  


2021-01-06 00:56:06 UTC  

EXCUSE ME !!!!!!!!!!

2021-01-06 00:56:13 UTC  

Anyone listen to this audio on her telegram?

2021-01-06 00:56:39 UTC  

Did you queef?

2021-01-06 00:56:43 UTC  

About Italy?

2021-01-06 00:56:46 UTC  

Her telegram is phemomenal

2021-01-06 00:56:50 UTC  

I even heard it

2021-01-06 00:57:24 UTC  

Exactly, I’m eager to hear your story because that’s insane to me . Are you a Follower of Christ again ? Or what? What got you into that devil shit

2021-01-06 00:57:36 UTC  

And we all know how they love to downplay the real numbers. 😑.

2021-01-06 00:57:56 UTC  

Someone in here is definitely listening to it

2021-01-06 00:58:02 UTC  

Chelsea’s? Let’s have it

2021-01-06 00:58:22 UTC  

Vlynn isn’t banned. Mic got banned though.

2021-01-06 00:58:40 UTC  

Ohhh vlynn nvm

2021-01-06 00:58:52 UTC  

I was like 30 minuets into it , until someone in here started about being a Ex satanist so I had to pause and see wtf that was about

2021-01-06 00:58:53 UTC  


2021-01-06 00:59:18 UTC  

Not Yet

2021-01-06 00:59:19 UTC  

Who is the woman talking on the telegram?

2021-01-06 01:00:11 UTC  

Looking into it. She said she’s from “” all the websites I’m finding rn talks nothing about she’s talking about they do. And then that account on Twitter has been “suspended”

2021-01-06 01:00:36 UTC  

Gonna hop off the chat , and take notes on this audio. It’s truly interesting.BRB

2021-01-06 01:01:00 UTC  

100% I actually got mixed up with drugs and shit in my early 20s and began studying satanism and ended up finding jesus through realizing Satan is real

2021-01-06 01:01:45 UTC  

Ok sorry got my facts wrong 4deep only banned the guy with over 500 confirmed kills so pretty much hate the military

2021-01-06 01:02:16 UTC  

Vlynn never served so probably why she got to stay

2021-01-06 01:02:37 UTC  

Do you know why did mic get banned?

2021-01-06 01:02:44 UTC  

I’m not happy about it.

2021-01-06 01:02:59 UTC  

He said some words that hurt other words used the freedom he earned

2021-01-06 01:03:03 UTC  

Me neither girl

2021-01-06 01:03:04 UTC  

That's not allowed here

2021-01-06 01:03:19 UTC  

He told Lexdillard to go kill her self thats what I saw I was in the chat

2021-01-06 01:03:32 UTC  

Freedoms are for poors

2021-01-06 01:03:39 UTC  

I mean if you take a kill yourself comment seriously you're a window licker

2021-01-06 01:04:04 UTC  

Thats what was going down thats all I know and saw

2021-01-06 01:04:34 UTC  

Lex never asked for him to be banned she was giving it to him fair and square

2021-01-06 01:04:50 UTC  

Man oh man, God Bless you for finding your way home. But reminds of a great verse Matthew 7:8 “For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

2021-01-06 01:05:03 UTC

2021-01-06 01:05:33 UTC  

My mother calls me her prodigal son 🤣

2021-01-06 01:05:37 UTC  

It's the shit starting and trying to own the chat about a b.s. beef that should get people banned. In my humble opinion

2021-01-06 01:05:49 UTC  

Appreciate that man it's way better walking in the light