Message from @traplordsavage
Discord ID: 796267278307164170
Dudes a straight puss😂
What even just happened hahahha
he can do whatever tf he wants
no idea honestly
I came pretty random
i consider a block a W in my book so
I kno
I couldn’t tell if I was being mocked Hahahahhaha
Back to the gooddsssa
My bad... But seriously... Just angered... For the time being and I need to vent.
i wasn’t mocking you ahaha i was responding to his message with that meme
No I know!! No worries I meant that guy really confused me. Bad vibes hahah
Does anyone know the legal system in regards to tourists breaking quarantine in DC? There's a plane leaving in 5 hours, need to know if there is any point or if there is going to be quarantine hotel enforcements & what sort of persecution escaping such a place would bring
I would assume on paper there is some BS law, but are they gonna enforce it no way in hell. SEND IT BRO get there!
portable charger, some sort of protection, at this point a face mask like a fishing one because forecast calls for a storm of pepper spray from dick head cops, refillable water bottle
Would be at Dulles in 19 hours 10 mins
is it too late or worth
hmmmm i mean fuck it? When is the return flight?
If republicans let voter fraud happen again they are just incompetent then lol
Jan 10th
fuck it why not? If you are capable and not worried about sticky situations, i say go be apart of history brother
Just like the old westerns, There Will Be Blood
sign me up, America is pretty fucking badass to me, sounds dramatic but I would 100% die if it meant we save her.
Dulles is a good 35-40 minutes to dc
Another stolen election lol 2021 gonna be a hell of a year lol.
Also this video is edited lol. They added two videos together. The tweet is total BS
exactly what i was thinking
The video of votes being subtracted is edited. It takes a clip when 40% of the votes were in and puts it before a clip showing 39% of the vote in. So it looks like votes were subtracted but the video was just edited
That’s so pathetic
The tree of liberty is getting thirsty.
Code money has a Moab loaded
Needs to drop it
Watch the video you can see the 40% reporting go to 39%. If you have to edit clips together to make up voter fraud claims you have problems lol
Someone say no balls