Message from @blackeagle33
Discord ID: 796270275209461810
I could rally some addy
Is Pence coming through ?
Get a buddy asap and take shifts
I feel like I'm on something because I'm too excited to sleep lol. I keep waking up and looking at twitter
anyone on the way to DC coming from Texas? Because if so who needs the scoop?
He wants to run in 2024 so I bet he verifies the results
Same body saying sleep mind saying fuck that
I would but itd detour you by a few hours 😂
You need to get there asap
No balls 😂
Fuuuuck it? Can u make sandwiches ? 💀
Apparently Ron(@codemonkeyz) is supposedly dropping something big hopefully tonight
Ugh fuck it guys
I’m getting dressed as we speak
Still dont know if we’re flying or driving
But fuck it America baby
I know he does that a lot but I haven't been on Twitter or discord in days and I'm so behind on shit
Beeeee saaafffeeeee
For god and country brother
Always 🤞🏼
Respect bro
@traplordsavage God bless bro be safe
Oh man the puppy is coming along rest assured , with plenty of kibble
Real question do we trump it up on the way up there or dress regular and buss out the gear when we get closer ?
Not trying to sound like a damn diva but I worry about animals like I worry about kids at the protests. I hope shitty fucks don't mess with people's dogs.
I'd avoid the gear in case things go south.
But just like you don't tell parents how to do their kids don't tell animals how to do their pets lol. I get pissed people talk to me about my kids
My puppy is .45 ACP compact , this puppy will be okay
The puppy is his guardian angle, antifa wont touch him
Bless his canine Patriot heart
Hollow points, aim for the knees, dont need a murder charge in a different state
Thats worst case scenario keep that fucker concealed
look out for metal detectors, etc. . .
If you’re carrying God bless but be extremely careful. In defense of life is almost always the best way to explain a weapon discharge
May the lord guide you safely @traplordsavage