Message from @Mech
Discord ID: 796359579520860190
Well this is an interesting song that was released in 2011 and guess how these 3 got together? They were all on “The Apprentice.”
Trump could have picked anybody to be his vp, no? This is the best movie ever🍿
☝ 😆 fuck mitch
This is what prompted me to research Meatloaf.
It’s game day
Maybe he shows pence the noose and lets him choose his fate
Is this the superbowl of politics?
Hopefully Pence gets executed if this is all true fuck being arrested. We should be like other countries. Treason=death.
New world order 😆 commit treason you die imagine
Relevance level 100
Biden is such a pedo
Look at that shit barely looks like the guy they even show us to be honest lmao
Wow we're so fucked
Cant say that he is not a clone or a double
What are we gonna do when January 6th comes and goes, Biden is sworn into the Presidency on January 20th and the Dems / liberal activists control the presidency, the house and the senate
Even if Trump somehow gets into the presidency by some miracle they will impeach and remove
@Mech shit dont even look like the guy they always show us
I have tons of video and pics already but having trouble uploading
Pre game warmups didnt even start yet facts calm ur balls @Mech @SnickleFritz
😂 💯 @Mech
"We will have so much winning, they are gonna beg me to stop. They will say oh please mr president have we had enough winning? I will say NO WE NEED MORE WINNING"
Look at this shit too
Ladies face is so fucked
And another one exposing KamelToe Kunt Harris
@syco77 yes, yes it is lol
So they’re now gonna make the cell service crappy so nobody can share/ upload stuff ? Shocked
@SnickleFritz adios
Calm ur tits. What I'm saying is not that outlandish if you think about it
We shall see
As expected. But this can also happen naturally when a million people converge in a small area. Hell my phone doesn’t even work at a 100k football stadium
All we can do at this point is stay positive and hope these fuckers get ran to the ground
They gonna drop this Italian shit at congress today?