Message from @Jon Chino
Discord ID: 796362567312343081
I have tons of video and pics already but having trouble uploading
Pre game warmups didnt even start yet facts calm ur balls @Mech @SnickleFritz
😂 💯 @Mech
"We will have so much winning, they are gonna beg me to stop. They will say oh please mr president have we had enough winning? I will say NO WE NEED MORE WINNING"
Look at this shit too
Ladies face is so fucked
And another one exposing KamelToe Kunt Harris
@syco77 yes, yes it is lol
So they’re now gonna make the cell service crappy so nobody can share/ upload stuff ? Shocked
@SnickleFritz adios
Calm ur tits. What I'm saying is not that outlandish if you think about it
We shall see
As expected. But this can also happen naturally when a million people converge in a small area. Hell my phone doesn’t even work at a 100k football stadium
All we can do at this point is stay positive and hope these fuckers get ran to the ground
They gonna drop this Italian shit at congress today?
Good point
3 parts to the article if u havent read it yet
Highly recommend everyone reads it. Espeiaclly who is in dc
I’d rather them drop the Biden blackmail videos. You know that motherfucker has eaten some kids...
Dude this sounds like a fiction novel. Not facts. Read it and pay attention to the grammar and language used.
So dispute the facts if you dont agree with it
Yeah dispute em
Tell it to that guy go tweet em so he can laugh
Yeah dispute em
@bongo dispute it whats ur argument
We dont know wtf a fact is anymore we just have gut instincts and knowledge and see with our own eyes what goes on. I know its hard for some thick headed individuals to grasp but i wanna hear an argument on it
We have all known pence is deep state for sure
Doesn’t anyone here find it odd that Lin Wood and codemonkeyz have never had their Twitter accounts suspended with all of their posts?
I’m scared at what a democrat majority in both house and senate means
A couple of videos and some opinions about feelings towards frame of mind = fiction novel. There's no evidence in that blog post, it's more like a journal.
Good morning everyone. Let’s hope and pray that all of our Patriots stay safe today in DC❤️ Let’s get that trump victory! 👊🏻
If you thought Obamacare was bad....
I think that has something to do with when ted cruz grilled jack for censoring the new york post