Message from @Tera626
Discord ID: 796491024339173477
nice avatar
Should I bring my elderly parents?
‼️‼️ Possible option: Trump doesn’t want anyone to get hurt and we are supposed to trust so he’s asking people to go home?? ‼️‼️ I understand this could be a psyop but this is possible too.
@Jay🎀 do you know what they are chanting at the capital?
Shot the trump supporters including kidd
I don’t have the stream on anymore
All this strap up talk is bullshit. Why are you talking like revolutionaries. You are sat at home on discord. Relax!
Trump turned off comments for prerecorded video.
crap load of antifa showed up
Trump is a dick
Is it possible he’s trying to protect patriots from antifa
Trump got played dude.
You're right @TommyG donny is telling everyone to go home in peace now
Trump got played?
Because u don’t know if it comes to your home
Tommy is right tho
yall are serious right now?
hahahh what are yall talking about
It’s not about trump but it could be that he’s in a position to lead the overthrow
We do have to save ourselves
calm the fuck down
Trump shouldn’t ask anyone to go home
It’s not about trump, yet this movement is 100% supporting trump lol
you all knew today was going to be false flags
Half these people are new.
Maybe he’s giving us time to get to our families and home ready for insurrection act??
Our gov is not known for giving us our freedoms back
@a lil rain love you girl. Be safe!
Look at the people he surrounded himself with.
We don’t though
Notice, no one is storming the White House.
If this doesn’t scare the shit out of the left whom will not be able to walk the streets now, that’s what’s happening, anyone agree?