Message from @ashashash
Discord ID: 796504007878901780
Hey got a question....people still need to quarantine when they come back from DC? Just curious what the proper rules are post protest
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants
Underrated comment
Let the Baking take it's course
How do you not see that these are paid provocateurs? Tommy you used to be better at this when you focused on conspiracies over political bs!
Tommy been up too long he all over the place
Antifa doesn’t like the left and once they stop paying them they’ll turn on the left
They came from the YT live stream.
bahahaha robot interiors
show yourself robot interiors lol
I agree with Tommy. Done with Maria.
Robot Interiors haha
NO YOU DONT , you got a valid points !!
Maria you are good dude no wories - you raise a really important point
So many left trolls coming out
This is fucking insane
I honestly wanted to see congress pay out
Id give it to her red head ass
There’s ways to this
Fight robot for charity
Yes I agree that would be cool af
It's not even trolls, people are just reacting too emotionally
*play out
Robot inferiors wya
Ya that’s what happened today
Maria is right. Starts by showing up to a local town meeting which is always empty
I'm no troll hah. Just telling it like I hear it.
Take back the Pizzeria
They are both right big time
You think Congress is gonna feel safe next time they show up?
I’ve been preaching since 2007 about this and been called crazy everywhere I’ve tried.
who is Maria?
and do you know how you start a takeover like that??? a grassroots movement to gather a following that is ORGANIZED
. 1 leader for all of our voices and we back them. Peacefully until peace isn’t an option anymore.
Fuck them they deserve to feel scared