Message from @joelf
Discord ID: 796504192407044156
*play out
Robot inferiors wya
Ya that’s what happened today
Maria is right. Starts by showing up to a local town meeting which is always empty
I'm no troll hah. Just telling it like I hear it.
Take back the Pizzeria
They are both right big time
You think Congress is gonna feel safe next time they show up?
I’ve been preaching since 2007 about this and been called crazy everywhere I’ve tried.
who is Maria?
and do you know how you start a takeover like that??? a grassroots movement to gather a following that is ORGANIZED
. 1 leader for all of our voices and we back them. Peacefully until peace isn’t an option anymore.
Fuck them they deserve to feel scared
shes a lawyer
Any word of the "dead" woman?
I’ve been preaching this in 2020 and called crazy
You build your arrow and strike when it’s right
She is not bias. Listening to facts only. Maria doesn’t love a politician, she loves America! That’s how I’m hearing things!
Something did happen. Down playing people being fed up isn’t right either
The spark to the powder barrel will be when the dem controled house senate, and White House try to take our guns
not a fan so far
I had to disconnect and reconnect
U sound fine
i want to go to a sit-in!!
Hey just on an off chance... your dads name start with a P?
U. Sound fine to me
I love Trolls
Too many trolls in here !!
If u were not there Dont trash those who were
This is HOT!!!!
tommy sounds golden to me
He sounds fine
Nah you sound fine
I can hear tommy