Message from @press3y
Discord ID: 796524309673803806
These soy boys and Twitter girls aren’t capable of a civil war. They would piss their pants
mommy dearest hillary is calling them domestic terrorists
domestic terrorists 😂
Hilary needs to short circuit
Doesn’t she have some kids to diddle?
its fuckin on guys
@TommyG The main question to ask atp really is: Why did Trump call everyone to DC KNOWING the left would bring antifa?
Because there’s no way he wouldn’t know this. And why would/ how could it possibly benefit him to give the left this EASY AF media tee off.
Fake news?
If this document is legit, why would an Italian affidavit be in English?
2020 was amazing I met u guys
Do we have Nancy’s server
Idk how to get back in. 😬
America was literally burning
That’s true! We all met in 2020
I dont know, is only one I've seen so far
Can the VP enact the IA? I thought it had to be president
It was the best year when u step back
in the menu on the left, voice chat is called APOCALYPSE PARTY. click on it and then when you get in hit the speaker button so you can hear
I’m locked at home but I’m happy
This was sooooooo fucking planned they wanted the capital to be stormed it’s insane 🤣
They’re gonna move on quick.
Iv had better years..... lol
Oh they want this out of the new cycle as quickly as possible
How’s Janet doing
i'll still be worried about that covi vax being required for work or DMV
I found out what white claw is in 2020
Now we're going to see what those Jade Helm training exercises were for. This has been planned for a long time.
What happened to Rain? Was she on here?
I’m very happy with 2020
Like always @TommyG . Same story different paragraph
Trumps Tweets are being deleted.
LoL yes you do!!