Message from @Tenorek
Discord ID: 796544967786889276
Tommy is right
@Mr. Fox it’s actually an AR pistol 7”
Keyset soze
Pence was a radio host, imagine that
i think pence had a "taking to" or was threatened.
had to pressure him publicly, he wasnt surprised
I knew Pence was t going to object when he said he wasn’t staying in the government
I’m just looking through Instagram rememebekng why I fucking love everyone here even the trolls lol
Tommy is a spot on
Ya theres no way 😂 were either totally fucked and always have been.. or pence is on our side and this is planned
I think you both have a point. You guys just aren’t hearing each other out 100 percent on each side.
Oh absolutely he got paid off and prob death threats
I need to find a neighbor for sex and hide from all the shit going down. My prostate needs help.
Cash for a hooker??
What is “clas movement”?
That's a low bar
LIVE: Congress to Resume Electoral College Vote Count After Police Clearance
scandal: Cyrus gets played on both sides goes back and forth
Sometimes I believe that too
29D Chess
some asshole that got fired from where i work is getting low on money and im trying to buy his 308 AR lol
mannn we got so kneecapped in canada as of a year or two ago. This is the best i could get. We can still get pistols, but they banned evert type of AR config and a tonnn of other shit. Right after covid started they banned 17k firearms/accessories in the dark using a weird OIC executive order.
I got both of these boiz after covid hit
agree, im thinking both of the above.
David Wilcock basically said what Tommy said last night
The good guys win in the end, right?
She’d do it in a heartbeat
free your mind breh
Okay, so they didn’t get to discuss Arizona since the chamber was “attacked” when will they discuss that? Are they just gonna ignore that?
I think the entire world is orchestrated it’s called the simpulation
What now?