Message from @traplordsavage
Discord ID: 796561668858445834
She said she served in the military
everybody resigning now
Absolutely seein that RINOs are flipping
Did you watch fall of cabal sequel? I forget which episode but it shows how amazingly resilient Americans have been through history. Is pretty amazing. They were starving when Wall Street fell, but they didn’t give up
More like served mcdonalds
She got banned from uber eats
He’d have to do it soon
@xBenJamminx @TommyG they aren't reversing, they never were going to object, they just needed an excuse
Why does TOMMY G dislike Lin Wood...Tommy sounds like controlled opposition
Here we fuckin go
Maybe the gop made a deal in exchange for caving on their election objections
Ben it a script 90%
PAUL is the last goat
If you want to carry it, I’ll poop in it.
One more thing to hump. Ounces equal pounds, and pounds hurt.
They deleted my account that had a Kayleigh follow. All gone now. Twitter sucks.
was all of this set up by the left to intimidate the republicans not to object?
@TC shill
WH Deputy Press Secretary, WHsocial secretary
EXACTLT ! and why would we fall now. My ass , there’s a whole new generation of patriots ready to fucking get rowdy for Uncle Sam
Great point
They trusted the plan.
Was Lin correct about Kelly Loeffler or nah?
Beta gif
Kelly was a fraud yes
They wouldn’t even cook him breakfast
They're scared of Insurrection Act and declassifying
Well u got a point, I will not be carrying that
That fucking sucks! I’m so sorry! I know how much you crush on her.
She’s always been a fraud
Nevermind fuck Paul lol
What % Trump still has a good card to play??