Message from @tateprs
Discord ID: 796562144762134538
Nevermind fuck Paul lol
What % Trump still has a good card to play??
They’re letting people go home who dont want to be apart of the revolution
controlled opposition.. most overused term within the conspiracy community.
Lin Wood is shit. These guys are all shit
Ramsay didnt exist 😉
Cabinet can’t envoke 25th if they all resign?
and his family
Until replacement
Wheres @SamTripoli Jon Bonet isnt even REALLLLL
Hahah every time makes me laugh
True, we have to learn to be on the same team while not 100% agreeing all the time
@bob-a-rito nobody to trust. Sad
The Joint Chiefs activated the National Guard without consent of the President.
Rand Paul bout to cash a check from Biden tonight
@GoldstarNicole I don't know why it makes me laugh, so subtle haha
Pour one up
Lin Wood is a patriot
you don't trust me???? all man that is fucked up
What does tommy g do for the movement besides charge for handicapping sports and get kicked off discord repeatedly?
that was a big deal
We’ll see if Rand and Ted reverse
all woman
fuck i still want that steak burrito u bastard
This breaks my heart
You don’t get that far without some bullshit
They keep crying about what happened today