Message from @jdew1492
Discord ID: 796565581318324275
welcome to Q
JFK jr
Once they go through with the hearing and certify Biden knowing the truth they’ve all committed treason if they do not decertify
@xBenJamminx Brad Johnson won a Super Bowl with the Buccaneers in 2003.
tommy has said himself doesnt know what will happen... like what are you talking about lol
I’ll take jfk jr or Alex Jones for vp
Is trump speaking tonight? Can’t find anything...
Cliff notes:
Cliff notes of what has been going on (allegedly):
Recording (video/undercover) and will be shown in court a high ranking Democratic official declaring "When America goes to sleep, we go to war to take back our country."
Pennsylvania - planned on having everything be counted on election day but video of polling officials and UPS declaring they need more (votes)
NJ Rep Bob Melendez involvement hinted at
Vote steal planned for 5 years (~1500 - 2000 people involved); sting operation in play, cameras everywhere (body cam, street, you name it) capturing
No watermark votes; blockchain technology used
Mostly involves California, New York
Double counting ballots involved
[4:32 PM]
80% Pelosi resigns or steps down (allegedly)
[4:33 PM]
Next two weeks will be testing; light could be shining through for the holidays
[4:33 PM]
News anchors involved (networks across the board, including FOX)
[4:34 PM]
"Poll watchers can't come in, because if they do, we will be in trouble"
[4:35 PM]
Trump was supposed to be a one and done president; ran again because the person who was supposed to takeover compromised
[4:36 PM]
Stuff on TV right now fodder; big stuff coming out for the courts
Just joining now... any thoughts on girl dying as FF or the “breach” had help from inside?
He didn't come out of nowhere. He defended Richard Jewell in 96
@TC what is this referring to? I’m lost
Alex Jones literally has skull & bones on his lead in & out screens
If you don’t know what that post is, looks like you just joined and haven’t been here a while
Lin wood, Powell, trump. It doesn’t matter who you pick, if they are in the position that they are in and speaking, they are controlled... if they weren’t controlled and they didn’t follow suit, they would just be dead.
He should have told everyone to vote instead of being a dumbass
We can formulate our best educated guess.
I think alex jones is controlled opposition
I've been here since day one.
What did Trump do today? Why are the wanting him out with 2 weeks to go???
She was a globalist cunt
Alex Jones is Mossad
It was “sources” that Tommy g had a few days after the election
Didn’t Tommy spend hours just saying how he has no clue what’s happening and this is just a movie
This is stupid.
I didn't vote for Loeffler yesterday.
Who cares if she’s not exposed she’s a nobody
“I have 25 grandchildren” Jesus
Who’s is dc we should be going back to the capital now that they are back