Message from @Budjola
Discord ID: 796700198310248470
I certainly didn’t hear the words out of his mouth.
same, but just like the "kraken" never came, i think that's not going to happen
Simulation is cop out
If Q was disinformation trump would’ve totally disavowed it
Ok it’s a flat Simulation ha
Where's the Kraken
Unless trump is swamp
Maybe they used this for blackmail needs and they got out played
Rothschilds run this world
Comon man
Evil always wins
now you talking my language
has anyone heard from trump? I can't believe he's not trying to get a message out
Trump isn’t swamp
Trump can’t do it alone.
I still think it will within a few days. If it doesnt I guess my brain will just melt from all of the shit that never added up to anything haha.
The only thing trump knows about q is that “they seems to really like me”
Kraken is we know elections are fake and gay. It’s all bullshit. They are all filthy....
This is why I don’t trust trump.. he could have done this months ago
Dude I would watch Trump TV
I would want to work for them
Imagine all the truthers
What do you mean? If Q was bad wouldn’t trump come out against it? He never did. Why?
He says media is the greatest enemy
So who's their greatest threat? A competitor.
hey same here, suposedly crypto is up because they used some sort of blockchain technology
This is bigger than Trump. He’s an old man
and it is MSM is ruling the world, all the sheeps are only believing MSM, imagine if you ditch MSM remove it completely and give only 100% truth to the ppl
But look at what Trump has done
Awoken hundreds of millions of people world wide
People will never forget this
There’s only two possibilities and I believe Q is real and trumps good still
They will forever kno whow corrupt USA is
It will spawn generations of truthers
The party acted like they never heard of it lol.
LIke never seen before
nah i dont think so, you will always have NPCs that will be a majority and will follow like zombies
That’s not true trump was asked several times and said I heard they don’t like pedophilla what’s wrong with that
The old way of running shit has to be over. They are a dying worthless old bunch of traitors.