Message from @FSMFSM

Discord ID: 796728470868066324

2021-01-07 13:08:45 UTC  

Its 10'D chess guys!! Art of the war. 🤦‍♀️ fucking hell

2021-01-07 13:09:01 UTC  

Hey good morning everyone

2021-01-07 13:09:25 UTC  

So thats what you got feom that?lmao good for you man

2021-01-07 13:09:42 UTC  

What do you guys think is gonna happen now ? Yesterday was pretty ridiculous. Made me very upset

2021-01-07 13:09:44 UTC  

Jan. 20th

2021-01-07 13:09:46 UTC  

The reality of all this is is everyone keeps putting stock in a two party paradigm, pretending a president works for them and letting your local officials run your town for you without you doing anything. I hope to see more people at their town hall meetings demanding change, guess what they have to listen to you by law

2021-01-07 13:09:53 UTC  

Like the time Britain tried overthrowing trump with the Steele Dossier only for trump and his supporters to turn round and bend over for Britain

2021-01-07 13:10:23 UTC  

Beautiful. Couldn't have said it better myself mech.

2021-01-07 13:11:10 UTC  

The horned dude was definitely a good guy

2021-01-07 13:11:14 UTC  

Biden is an actor. Trump is also an actor...literally a reality show actor. Hello?

2021-01-07 13:11:14 UTC  

Jesuits gonna Jesuit . This was really all of the plan

2021-01-07 13:11:37 UTC  

Hah, I didnt understand ur point, not being a smart ass for once

2021-01-07 13:12:12 UTC  

Yesterday was a reality show on crack

2021-01-07 13:12:30 UTC  

It was a good show, I'll give it that.

2021-01-07 13:12:39 UTC  

Horned, as in the viking guy??

2021-01-07 13:12:40 UTC  

Very entertaining

2021-01-07 13:13:25 UTC  

Boris Johnson as Home Secretary paid for Chris Steele to make the fake dossier.. once that was exposed Trump continually licked Britain’s ass (even while their soldiers were killing Irish kids) and tried to help the expansion of the British empire again.. why would a nationalist do that?

2021-01-07 13:13:26 UTC  

If everyone's fake.. then WHAT? lol

2021-01-07 13:14:06 UTC  

Great question. First step, you turn off the TV and never watch it again.

2021-01-07 13:14:29 UTC  

I dont own a TV in my entire house

2021-01-07 13:14:38 UTC  

So do we still believe Trump has some sort of chance at this still ? Yesterday ruined all his chances in my opinion. Wish thing would have went a tad bit different

2021-01-07 13:15:12 UTC  

You people still think this shit is about you. It is not. There are people suffering way more than you keyboard warriors. There are kids enslaved by disgusting people. There are more child slaves today then there ever was slaves in history. There is a waaay deeper cult than the deepstate but you guys think you are the victims and are helpless because the made us look bad for 1 day? Its all about the kids

2021-01-07 13:15:28 UTC  

Regardless of who’s an actor or not, we are coming to a cross roads.

2021-01-07 13:16:44 UTC  

Well the good news is the people committing these crimes have their friend Joe back in power

2021-01-07 13:16:51 UTC  

UK news isnt covered here, I'm too ignorant to reply back lol. About the UK.

2021-01-07 13:17:20 UTC  

I agree, the adreno/pedo problem is the real problem. Now with full censorship on all media and social media in real time and the globalist pedo cabal poised to be in full control of America, do you think this problem gets better or worse?

2021-01-07 13:17:26 UTC  

But that proves that trumps interest weren’t nationalist lol

2021-01-07 13:17:34 UTC  

I dont see him in the oval yet. Do you?

2021-01-07 13:18:07 UTC  

Trumps done today what he should have done in November and conceded

2021-01-07 13:18:12 UTC  

Sounds like denial. You can only push the goal posts till January 20th

2021-01-07 13:19:11 UTC  

Government is the problem since BC times. A dude in the Ukraine ain't starting as fight with sum guy in Baghdad lol. Its government fucktards

2021-01-07 13:19:12 UTC  

Did anyone forget that they were able to steal the hardware from the libs yesterday, who grabbed those

2021-01-07 13:19:28 UTC  

I most definitely forgot

2021-01-07 13:19:29 UTC  

Might get worse before but it will get better

2021-01-07 13:19:46 UTC  

Just don’t know the events that get us to better

2021-01-07 13:20:04 UTC  

Cant hate on ur comment, dont forget trump is America First.

2021-01-07 13:20:04 UTC  

I saw that trump is at a military intelligence center in texas. Has anyone else seen this and is it confirmed?

2021-01-07 13:20:23 UTC  

Is the new problem not the growing support for actual pedophilia tho?

2021-01-07 13:20:39 UTC  

Alright everybody trump is done because president erect said so, we can all go home now and go back to the rat race until they enslave us out of our free will

2021-01-07 13:21:25 UTC  
