Message from @CookiesnMilk
Discord ID: 796781232679157830
Sounds like a good plot for a novel but this is real life
Looks like photoshop
its all monopoly money in the end
have you EVER read a history book?
Any non fiction books at all really?
About reality?
The average american reads less than one book a year - THIS is the problem.
Libre , means book and liber means freedom
yeah like most of q shit
Well who were those guys , and what did they give him?
put it together
Both, the whole misinformation is necessary time period and if you look into anything hard enough you will create and see a conspiracy. I thinks thats just as dangerous because you're losing your hold on reality once you go that deep. Any article or link Q posts I rather enjoy but when it starts becoming trust the plan and the codes people try to find in the posts thats when I tune out
Was nunes in the capital yesterday?
Good morning all! Any ideas out there on when this (net paused) might happen?
Welp darkness has begun
I read quite a bit. I'm saying a 20 yr revenge plot sounds like a movie. Chillax
Did i hear that trump said he will participate in a peaceful transition???? Wtf is happening
When’s the emergency message coming
Transition to his next four years is what was said before
What's Latin for Fuck Off🤣
One of my all time favorite books. I’ve read it three times.
If you've ever read any books worth reading, you'd know thats nothing. Ever hear of Cecil Rhodes? Rhodes scholars? You know who some Rhodes scholars are?
Amen and Awomen.
It's good
I do t even know what to fucking believe anymore. What happened to the fight? What happened to exposing the filth in government? To stopping the nwo? What now?
When is Parler going to shut Lin Wood off
@FightBackLaw has been banned off Twitter
Bill Clinton Rhodes Scholar. Petey Buttgieg is as well
Linzy get ready for the next fight.
Believe in yourself
bongino wont shut Wood down
i honestly do not fucking know.......everyones saying more will come. its hard to stay hopeful for suuuure =\
Yup, lots of them are idiots
So how hungover do you think Tommy is?
He probably is past the hangover stage
🔰 JUST IN - Facebook's Zuckerberg blocks President Trump from posting for the remainder of his term.
Well tbh people need to rely on themselves and those around them . Fuck tryna have a savior