Message from @AnonRile2020
Discord ID: 796780342454255666
Past practice
I will still think Lin’s a shill til he releases all this “Evidence” he has . Until then it just seems like he wants to bring all the Qsies for more clout
Has anyone figured out who the other 3 people who died yesterday are?
Fascist authoritarianism.
why? what happened?
yeah for sure. i think most ppl in this forum are recovering from q lol.
2 more weeks for the Republic to move out and Communism to move in
Yup, but doesn't matter if no one will listen in a court setting
#how nice of them to do this on English for us!! 🤦🏾♂️
Try Tribunal
why the fuck is Shumer calling for Trumps *immediate removal*
Because all of congress just put their own necks in a noose
He has a point that document fake AF
To stop any possible Trump offense
Q posts a lot of good information, but I'll feel its got a lot of bullshit mixed in. I got into Q for around a year and saw how people could find it useful but then I got in twitter and saw the way people have mythicized Q and I think that route always leads to disappointment
nothing to be disappointed about. its been a plan for 20 years to avenge JFK and finish what he started
So is the problem with the masses trying to interpret the information? or the actual information being false or invalid?
Judas money 30 piece of gold
Do you guys understand Q could be seen by ANYONE
His cut of the stimulus bill?
needed to have bullshit in there
Sounds like a good plot for a novel but this is real life
Looks like photoshop
its all monopoly money in the end
have you EVER read a history book?
Any non fiction books at all really?
About reality?
The average american reads less than one book a year - THIS is the problem.
Libre , means book and liber means freedom
yeah like most of q shit
Well who were those guys , and what did they give him?
put it together
Both, the whole misinformation is necessary time period and if you look into anything hard enough you will create and see a conspiracy. I thinks thats just as dangerous because you're losing your hold on reality once you go that deep. Any article or link Q posts I rather enjoy but when it starts becoming trust the plan and the codes people try to find in the posts thats when I tune out
Was nunes in the capital yesterday?