Message from @flyers20133
Discord ID: 796824618651353120
Won't amount to anything if it is true.
tweet cant be liked or replied to due to risk of violence lol
@grapplingirl oss🤙
Im still a newbie but i really loved it ad cant wait to roll again
the moment he wore that tie yesterday was the moment i yelled snake lol
Why is everyone resigning??!
Shows over
To get out incase anything else happens
And it’s only 13 days until they leave anyway so it doesn’t really matter
@Mech it's an amazing journey I've been rolling for 6 years met some incredible people along the way
i am reluctant to get excited about that.... he did it once before
I’m tellin ya this is far from over. Trump has a lot more blackmail than these people even probably realize. Or if they do realize they may be statting to get a wee bit nervous as they fucking should
Are these mostly Trump supporters resigning?
im wondering the same. i have seen some trump supporters resign
Not sure
True @CookiesnMilk am just posting too keep ppl updated
Felt the same when the “president elect” label went up. Means nothing unless you let it.
i appreciate it! im just saying im reluctant lol.
It does seem like a lot is going on. FCC, Camp David, banned form social media etc....
He's a cuck
He probably wanted to see camp David one more time before he left
so if they invoke the 25th, what are they scared of?
Back at ya
Why would they resign because of a terrible boss if he’s losing his job in 13 days?? 🤔 Because he’s not...
Seems to be.
They don’t want to, so they resign
They don't want him to be able to run in 2024
hmm interesting
full blown censorship in effect
Twitch just took donny down
Pence accepting his payment, the proverbial 30 pieces of silver for selling his country out.
He can’t win in 2024 so hopefully he doesn’t run again or it’s Kamala again
Trump sold me when I heard him candidly describing 9/11 as it “looked like the buildings were brought down by demolitions”
wtf is twitch lol
streaming service
Twitch is awesome