Message from @TyrantSmasher
Discord ID: 796823866642137088
She is a fuckin nut job
That's the difference between us and them. We dislike what they stand for, but they literally fucking HATE us.
It was trump supporters dressed as antifa dressed as trump supporters.
I hope we can keep the vibes high today and the days following. 💓 Not sure what to think of everything. Hope everyone here is doing well.
Look at the Viking dudes sister’s post
I got you on that haha
We hate them too.
House in IL currently has a bill up for vote that would eliminate felony murder
@grapplingirl 🤙 It is absolutely mind-blowing....
You train bjj?
Correctional facilities should really be doing correctional activities to release inmates back into the world as contributing members of society.
I did until they doug ford closed my gym
Good felony murder is dumb. You can be charged with first degree murder even if you did not kill the person. If someone else did it and you were there you get a minimum of 20 years for a murder you did not commit
You guys following the markets? The Bitcoin rally isnt because of NFL players being paid in it. It's due to the impending global unrest. This is just the beginning
shit I hate Joe supporters with a passion but the hate they have for Trump supporters is way different. i dont want to beat up Dems but Dems want to beat us up lol
For the record, I can't hate anyone who doesn't understand the ramifications of what they believe in. :/
Yes, I train jiu Jitsu. 🙌🏼
Pence wearing a blue tie now, side switcher
@Mech gotta find underground roll sessions they are out there one thing I know being a jiu-jitsu practitioner can't keep me off the mats
Welp I dont wanna believe Biden will be potus but im trying to accept it and be okay with it. I hope yalls day is better than yesterday ♥️♥️
LOL @ Lindsay Grahams cell phone gonig off while hes at the podium
Poor baby
Won't amount to anything if it is true.
tweet cant be liked or replied to due to risk of violence lol
@grapplingirl oss🤙
Im still a newbie but i really loved it ad cant wait to roll again
the moment he wore that tie yesterday was the moment i yelled snake lol
Why is everyone resigning??!
Shows over
To get out incase anything else happens
And it’s only 13 days until they leave anyway so it doesn’t really matter
@Mech it's an amazing journey I've been rolling for 6 years met some incredible people along the way
i am reluctant to get excited about that.... he did it once before
I’m tellin ya this is far from over. Trump has a lot more blackmail than these people even probably realize. Or if they do realize they may be statting to get a wee bit nervous as they fucking should
Are these mostly Trump supporters resigning?