Message from @traplordsavage
Discord ID: 796872183464722444
I missed the briefing damn
Durham? Delay, delay, delay...oops now Trump's leaving I guess we'll never hear about his investigation
ABC reporting already that Trump admits defeat and that his term is ending
must have been even more of an eye opener being there first hand
The fights with cops , is all I saw the really weird ones with the cops and those guys in fuzzy beanies
Going into the capital was kind of pointless.
Fuck ABC said it?? It must be true then
I'd say Pompeo is still holding pretty strong, unless he's said somethign I didn't hear. And then Flynn, Powell, Giuliani, etc. The inner circle
@traplordsavage most people were thanking every cop they saw. i did and i saw others did too so
I’m not saying it’s true bud just stating that MSM is already on it like flies on shit
The also called it a violent insurrection so wtf do they know
ABC is news???
Relax peeps
Everyone’s a lil tense
now whats gonna happen? hell released on these assholes?
@TangoKraft it was great until i heard all of yal talking to me
I guess since republicans are so non-violent... it will be really easy to push them over and ignore them.
Maybe more like 10 days of darkness
Yeah it didn’t seem fitting to me. But also no telling how I would’ve treated those “oathbreakers” of cops. DC police is 🗑. I back GOOD cops not ALL cops
@David D we prep to protect ourselves and familg and wait to see what happens
I'm sorry
Maybe it’s time 👀
I better start my running to get in shape for the forced March to the re-education camp. Yes comadant Biden you are opps not ready to say anything nice to Biden.
El ejército es enorme hermano 💪💪💪
yes ma'am, been doing that!! just continue the path
@a lil rain any more thoughts as to why you were invited to town yesterday? I still don’t get it.
@traplordsavage the cops, secret service, and national guard were nice and super helpful to me and everyone
Starts with “if true” haha
I’ll die in my house before that
Had to happen that way
@TangoKraft it’s okay!! its just that you guys were seeing all the fake shit i didnt see. not just you guys, but my family that didnt go ans it seemed scary
@traplordsavage you are a good man
Then that’s weird to me, it was so strange to me . I would’ve assumed we would’ve done that if they went thru the whole process and it was BS. But it was so fucking early and going in our favor?? Which then I got a bad feeling
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