Message from @Dolesy
Discord ID: 796873041862721546
yes ma'am, been doing that!! just continue the path
@a lil rain any more thoughts as to why you were invited to town yesterday? I still don’t get it.
@traplordsavage the cops, secret service, and national guard were nice and super helpful to me and everyone
Starts with “if true” haha
I’ll die in my house before that
Had to happen that way
@TangoKraft it’s okay!! its just that you guys were seeing all the fake shit i didnt see. not just you guys, but my family that didnt go ans it seemed scary
@traplordsavage you are a good man
Then that’s weird to me, it was so strange to me . I would’ve assumed we would’ve done that if they went thru the whole process and it was BS. But it was so fucking early and going in our favor?? Which then I got a bad feeling
Biden Fans the Flames, Labels Trump Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit
I love the NBA but I don't like that they keep calling the protesters "terrorists"
Most of them were actors anway
@traplordsavage i got a bad feeling when trump showed up an hour late for the event
it was obviously fake
Shame on u
lets keep watching to see if we have ANY allies up top
Yeah for real dolesy
@chrisskates only a few will know unfortunately
fucking cuck boys cant be trusted
Basketball fucking sucks anyways
@Dolesy it is what it is. still love watching it - I don't give them any money tho
almost as bad as soccer
Well a lot of military heads have been hella quiet lately
@serialthrilla still trying to wrap my mind around it. it was great but the MSM really fucked the whole day up. they were inciting violence the entire time
Somethings brewing
True, but just trying to spread as much as possible, unfortunately I'm suspended fromost platforms so, you dudes are my go-to 🤣🤣🤣
use online streams to watch sports
This is dope
biden didnt even thank the people who certified him yet
man i liked hearing from papa rain yesterday , make sure to tell him thanks for that
The only thing brewing is the list AOC is making of Patriots