Message from @xBenJamminx

Discord ID: 796909682244452402

2021-01-08 01:13:43 UTC  

I can't go on, too much to take in. Emotions running too high

2021-01-08 01:13:43 UTC  

Awwww. Tell me how I hurt your feelings.

2021-01-08 01:13:43 UTC  

Ok you can calm the millennial masses later then lol

2021-01-08 01:13:43 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:13:45 UTC  

trumps t witter

2021-01-08 01:13:55 UTC  

oh are people freaking out?

2021-01-08 01:13:55 UTC  

Twitter, Facebook, and MSM is not to be trusted. From zero sources!!!

2021-01-08 01:13:58 UTC  

Just a regular day on the corner in berkeley.

2021-01-08 01:13:59 UTC  

Are you okay?!

2021-01-08 01:14:00 UTC  

@tateprs much too late. Rumors on top of Rumors.

2021-01-08 01:14:04 UTC  

I didn’t say I was ignoring his boyfriends. Heyyyyy!!

2021-01-08 01:14:10 UTC  

So, uh, whaddawedonow?

2021-01-08 01:14:12 UTC  

I think he's trolling

. "Derp State"

2021-01-08 01:14:12 UTC  

100% I saw her live ig today đŸ”„

2021-01-08 01:14:15 UTC  

Just take a breather I had to too!

2021-01-08 01:14:17 UTC  

Fuck our governors. Fuck teaching unions. Fuck liberal scum and FUCK RINOS!

2021-01-08 01:14:25 UTC  

What happened to Ben??

2021-01-08 01:14:31 UTC  


2021-01-08 01:14:32 UTC  

He said transition of power. wonder what he was meaning.

2021-01-08 01:14:33 UTC  

Are we getting a pod soon BEN??

2021-01-08 01:14:34 UTC  

I'm fine, it's everyone else who isn't. I already had 200 people unfollow me just for tweeting that I thought it was a concession lol

2021-01-08 01:14:35 UTC  

So many questions

2021-01-08 01:14:36 UTC  

ESPECIALLY teacher unions. Save the children first

2021-01-08 01:14:49 UTC  

Why are the Dems pushing impeachment so hard if they believe Trump only has 13 days left?

2021-01-08 01:14:49 UTC  

Teaching unions are the gatewasy to pedophilia

2021-01-08 01:14:58 UTC  

Game. Over.

2021-01-08 01:14:58 UTC  

Appear weak when strong...

2021-01-08 01:14:59 UTC  

let me see that face

2021-01-08 01:14:59 UTC  

@DWoods I agree. Head high. 13 days to make a statement:)

2021-01-08 01:14:59 UTC  

Sounded like a concession to me.

2021-01-08 01:15:06 UTC  

Civil war is the only way.

2021-01-08 01:15:10 UTC  

@xBenJamminx keep up the great work

2021-01-08 01:15:10 UTC  

Well half of us here still think it is but yet here we are it ain’t over til the 20th I guess

2021-01-08 01:15:14 UTC  

And Kamala hasn’t resigned yet

2021-01-08 01:15:15 UTC  

You seem extra heated right now, go on the voice and let out a rant

2021-01-08 01:15:33 UTC  

EVERYONE THAT WANTS TRUTTH OF A HUMAN TRAFFICKING SURVIVOR THAT HAS A REAL STORY TO TELL INVOLVING ELITES SHOULD FOLLOW @XOODYSSey on INSTAGRAM. If you can’t stomach her story you won’t be able stomach what’s shorty hopefully coming out

2021-01-08 01:15:36 UTC  

I'm honestly super calm, I just know that my position will not be well received.

2021-01-08 01:15:44 UTC  

I don't think my ADHD is ammped up enough for this place

2021-01-08 01:15:44 UTC  

87% certain its a Deep fake

2021-01-08 01:15:48 UTC  

Yep. Spewing all kinds of negativity, forgetting that we create reality without words - y’know, shit like that lol