Message from @CookiesnMilk
Discord ID: 796911796782891039
Do you even lift, bro?
sup ghost
Can’t wait to see you being taken by Ray j
This is an obvious coup to anyone mentally stable.
rat central in here today
Imma Canadian Too (Mom Born Here/Dad Born In Tennessee)- I Just Love Everything The USA Stands For And Hate The Little Bitches In Canada (Especially Ontario) 😹
What’s your name princess? I’ll call. You can record.
bitch i dont even wanna talk to you
🖕big Mike!!!
If you want to fight, DM each other
you tried to call me and call me out i posted my shit
I lost 200 of Biden gets inaugurated 😒😕😩
The coup continues
Tough guy
Bloody hell we are all gonna skyrocket the heart attack data after this. Fuck covid.
We need a chat fight option. 2 men enter 1 man leave. Pause the chat for everyone else for 3 minutes
I was talking about people who don’t live in the US. Didn’t mean to offend CITIZENS
got the call , nothing
New outta NYC:
Like I said. You aren’t that stupid to give me your real number.
Yea then yall might get friendly
Deep Fake or real, IMO doesn't matter. Either way it means were fucked
got the call you hung up
Lol. Wasn’t from me moron. Maybe any of the other hundreds of people you just shared that with.
Just want to hear what you have to say!!
well wheres your call then?
Cheeeeeeze enough foreplay just kiss already
NVM. The prison Mike and me fox sextape might be where it's at
Why don’t you guys just kiss already. You know you want to.
I live in Brooklyn you dumb fuck.
if they can get through why cant you? Sorry Mech we have a problem with rats in this community
PJ is one MIke is one
Ill drop it.
Ur weird. Shut up