Message from @AnthonyGN13
Discord ID: 796913013407875083
Thank God!!
new to me im at work didnt see the briefing
Clarification is good.
I’m so damn lost
His words
They like it when we watch 🤫
He is in Abeline so it had to be a green screen
He said new administration not s Biden admin
Daniel Holland
What? These are 100% trump supporters lol
Transition of power to a new admin
Not his words.
This is gold. Keep it coming.
@Tamara A I think Abilene is a smoke screen!
His composure and stance was so off
Will this voice chat be available tomorrow?
Cool the libs jets.
Lol! It wasnt like him at all!
That last line was....BOOM. “We are just beginning.”
Voice chat is cutting out
Whats the deal? im a real person and thats my website. Yall good?
Something better happen. Been hearing so much shit that's supposed to happen and nothing happening
Its been posted before
That last line though!
i shared it here a few times
I don’t think he’s “really” conceding.
Lol. Oh yeah. You ready to drop it now??
I think it's a fair interpretation, but we can disagree Benjammin
That’s so stupid why did anyone attack that?!
I didn’t
Well If You Are Your Resume Is Horrid 😅